95 2x4 Ranger 5 speed into a 91 Explorer 4x4? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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95 2x4 Ranger 5 speed into a 91 Explorer 4x4?


Well-Known Member
November 4, 2003
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memphis, tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I have cooked my M5OD-R1 tranny in my X. I can get for free a 5 speed from a ranger 2WD. I really want to use this free transmission instead of paying $700 for a used one from a yard. IF I remember correctly, ford did use these transmissions in the Ranger, but since mine is 4WD will I have to change the tail shaft or anything?

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I'm pretty sure you'll have to change the tailshaft. If the transmission was behind a different engine, you may also have to change the bellhousing (if the bellhousing is removable on an M5OD).

How hard is it to change the tail shaft? I know the bell housing will be easy. But I've never changes a tail shaft before.

your gonna have to disassemble the tranny & change out the rear shaft too, plus change out the tail housing.

the tranny gears are different between 4.0 and other trannys. don't know if theres any different in the tailshafts, though ?


J...old rookie at this

Since I intend to not rebuild the transmission, WhenI change the tail shaft and tail housing, Will I have to buy new bearings? will the new bearings be for the ranger tail or the explorer tail? Will I have to change bearings at all?
Would it be better to just go ahead and rebuild my current transmission? I found a kit that is $200. It includes bearings and gaskets.
I like the idea that the Ranger tranny has lower first - third gears. I also don't know if the gears in the Explorer transmission have been damaged or just the bearings.
Any help would be appriciated.
