Anyone with a 2nd Gen Limited (or other trim) have a fluttering paper noise? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone with a 2nd Gen Limited (or other trim) have a fluttering paper noise?


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD
Noticed that I have a noise that sounds like fluttering paper that starts about 50MPH with the windows down. Thought at first it was my seat belts but it isn't. Its not coming from the mirrors or any of the trim pieces I can feel with my hands out the windows. Can hear this on both the driver's and passenger's side of the vehicle.

It seems to be coming from the lower front side (each side) of the truck but sounds like its coming from the mirror error when casually listening. Thoroughly checked the mirrors and definitely not coming from there.

Any ideas?

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Weather Seal on front doors was first thing I thought of but just a guess.

Weather Seal on front doors was first thing I thought of but just a guess.

Tried holding, blocking all the rubber I could reached from the passenger side while being driven - but it doesn't appear to be coming from that. The fluttering noise matches the wind buffeting and appears to being coming from somewhere by front fender or lower...

Figured out what it is.

On the stock hood of the 2nd gen, there are two small rubber bumpers attached close to the edge of the hood on each front bottom side. When the hood is shut, these rubber bumpers hold down the plastic flip up headlight aiming access points.

Since I changed my hood the the Saleen XP8 Carbon Fiber hood, this hood does not come with these bumpers. The fluttering paper noise was coming from air getting under the plastic flip up headlight aiming access covers causing them to flutter and vibrate causing the noise.

To solve - just added some sound absorbing foam on the bottom edge of the flip up covers and now the noise is gone.

Wow, that's great! There are people here that chase squeaks and noises for years without finding them. Like me. ;)
