AWD Transfer Case Life | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AWD Transfer Case Life


February 3, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Kingston, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 EB
This 97 EB with V8 and AWD is my first experience with an AWD vehicle. Since the Transfer Case turns all the time it seems it should wear out sooner than a standard 4WD vehicle. I now have 108k and all 'seems" well but it can't last forever. Anyone give me a hint how many miles life I can expect from this "on road' only T Case?

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Mines got 112,000 on it and it's on it's last leg I think. Making funny noise and what not...

all depends on how you treat it
I have seen them with 140+

If it wasn't beat and you keep the fluid clean it should last a long time. The newer Explorer t case spins all the time also.

well mine has a 171000+ on it and it finnaly went out i took it apart and replaced one part and am in the prosses of putting it back in now at the first hint of unusual noise i would have it looked at or do it your self some of the parts arent cheap trust me i found out the hard way

Was it a difficult rebuild? What went out?

no not at all the awd case is a little bit diffrent than my4x4 case but not much ill have pics in a few days one little plastic insert caused alot of problems the gear that the shift fork rides on got stripped 84.00 for both plastic inserts and 2 gears from ATC in St Louis
