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Bad Vibrations


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April 24, 2006
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'96 Sport
I need advice please......For awhile now my 96 sport start shaking hard at 70+......been doing it for a long time.....I finally took it to mechanic cause I know nothing about cars.....he put new front tires on(mounted and balanced)..replaced rear speedsensor due to abs light being on....replaced upstream oxygen sensor due to check engine light on...and replaced right front stabilizer link kit.....he said after all that I still needed to replace the upperand lower ball joints and until I do the vehicle will still shake.....I told him to hold off on the ball joints cause of money and drove the vehicle to 80 on the highway and no shaking whatso I really need to replace the ball joints?

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Check out my post

I'm replacing the ujoints this week. I'll be taking it to a local shop sometime this week for wheel balance and alignment as well. So far, with all the front suspension work done, mine still shakes at highway speeds.

Tonight while I was on the tollway at around 70MPH I put it in neutral and still a whole lotta shaking going on so I'm thinking wheel balance could be the culprit, especially after your post. I've also thought about checking the driveshafts for balance, but since it does it in neutral as well, it's probably just a tire balance issue.

Hopefully you don't need to throw anywhere near as much cash at this problem as I am. Sounds like you may have the issue licked.

However, that being said... the front suspension components like ball joints etc., are too cost prohibitive to get done (parts are relatively inexpensive as you can see in my post) and if you have cheap labor or do it yourself it'll keep your ride running smooth and tight.


Thanks for the info.......mechanic wants to charge me $791 to fix the ball that expensive and if so is it easy to do yourself?

That seems outrageous to me but then again, I bought the parts and was charged very little for the labor by a qualified mechanic.

I wouldn't say they are that "easy" to do yourself, (1) because I don't know you at all or your abilities, and (2) it does take some pretty good tools. You won't get by on a $90 set of "mechanics tools" that you picked up at the Walmart etc. You'll need some pretty good size wrenches, impact wrench would be great, a balljoint press (like a c-clamp with oversized sockets) etc.

Here's a link to a thread where doing it yourself sounds ok. Check it out and trust your own instincts as to whether or not you have the tools, time and experience.


With the tranny in neutral the driveshaft still spins...My vibration was due to a bad u-joint ...

same issue....

On my '98 xlt awd, I read somewhere to check the drive shaft for any play and I found some on the front of the drive shaft where the shaft meets the rubber boot and then the u-joint.....I replaced the upper control arms to no avail, new tires....same problem. Could it be the u-joint?

If your ball joints are in question you can check them yourself pretty easily. Jack one side up (jack under control arm), place a suitable size lever under the tire (I use a sturdy broomstick) and try to move the tire up and down. Pay close attention to the ball joints. There should be very little movement in them.

Check to make sure the driveshaft is securely attached. After replacing both u-joints on my sport, the 4 bolts attaching the flange to the transfer case started backing out over time. After 6 months or so i really noticed it. Took it to a shop to have the tires rebalanced and rotated and that didnt fix it. Guys at the shop were blaming it on not having the rear sway bar hooked up. I went out on the turnpike later that night and had to stop at a rest stop. Figured I might as well check the driveshaft since I had similar issues with bad ujoints. Wiggled the driveshaft and noticed that all 4 bolts had backed more than half way out. Luckily I keep my tools in my truck. I had it tightened back up again in 5 minutes. It was like riding on glass the rest of the trip. I can't believe the tire shop didn't pick this up even having the truck on a lift and noticing that the rear endlinks were hooked up. That could have been a dangerous and expensive trip if I hadn't checked.

