Caliper slides falling out | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Caliper slides falling out


Active Member
September 24, 2001
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91 XLT
Well, I was replacing my starter motor and when I got under the truck I noticed three of the caliper slides were sticking out and ready to fall out. The fourth was missing.

I did bearings, ball joints and RA bushings a few months ago. I properly greased the slides during reassembly. I'm at a loss. What did I do wrong? It's a good thing the starter failed or I may have had bigger problems.

Any ideas? Has anyone else had the caliper slides move after installation?

Kevin K
91 XLT:confused:

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Its time to get new ones they are worn out,mine did the same thing you can buy the whole set at autozone for 5 bucks:D

They were new when I replaced bearings. I did the brake pads at the same time.

Thanks for the thought.

I always open up the ends a little before I put them in:)

I had one of the caliper slides on my '92 that wanted to fall out. Pulled it out and rolled it 180 degrees and now it stays in.

There are 2 common reasons they fall out..

1... They are very very old.. and don't have enough pressure...

2.. They are in upside down.. (I've done that before... and have heard of a few other people on here do that too)


How do you know which way is up? I didn't know they could be upside down.



The wider parts face each other..

You will know you have it in right when you cannot push them through the caliper.. When they are upside down you can hit them with a hammer and they will go in (without compressing them first)


...and the slides also have those little raised bumps on them to prevent them from sliding out. It's normal for the slides to stick out a little.

I'll check them tonight. When I put the starter in, all I did was tap them back in with a soft mallet. I thought I had them in corectly the first time.

Rhett, I do understand they stick out a little, these were actually hanging on by a thread if you will. Thanks again for your help.

Kevin K
'91 XLT

Well, Homer says it best. DOH!!!! They were in upside down. I think I was damn lucky a caliper did fly off at some point.

Thanks for the guidance.

'91 XLT with original fuel filter at 186k

wow, im doh'ing now too. mine are sliding out too, and i just figured they sucked or something. ill turn them around tonight. thanks guys!
