Can you bypass the speaker amp and have the sub amp still live? '93 X | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can you bypass the speaker amp and have the sub amp still live? '93 X


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2001
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01 blazer lt
Guys i have a nice Clarion deck put in my 93 Eddie Bauer X. However the place that did my install said there was no way to bypass my factory amp for the speakers without bypassing the amp for the sub.

Is this true? I think that maybe the shop that did the work for me may not be well informed about installing in the Ford Explorer.

I know the amp resides behind the panel just up from the subwoofer on the passenger side. where is the amp for the sub?



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When I installed my Blaupunkt, I originally bypassed the stock amp. Much to my surprise, the sub didn't work. I got my head unit from Crutchfield, and they also sell another piece of equipment for $50 that will allow you to continue to use the stock amp, which will keep the sub active. They didn't tell me I needed that piece. I called them back and complained and they gave it to me for half price.

The sub gets its power from the stock amp.

Anyway, as far as I know, you need to use the stock amp in order to use the sub. The piece that Crutchfield sells allows you to dial down your head unit's amp so that you aren't double amping the sound too much (I'm not very technical, so that may not be entirely correct).

It all sounds great in my truck. Life without that sub was a pure drag.

the sub and both amps are mounted together behind that panel. Silver amp is for the sub and black is for the front speakers. The only way to do that is if you re-wire it, becuase without the amp, it gets no juice and no signal. I've got mine still half-way apart because I replaced it with a 8" sub and Pioneer amp, gotta run a new turn-on wire.

peace and prosperity

JYO is correct you can feed signal into the subamp while bypassing the factory amp for the main speakers. You will have to run a new turn on lead back to it though.

If you want good sound, go all the way, get rid of that high signal to noise ratio garbage ford put in the rig. In mine I have An alpine cd controller & deck, with an audio control 4xs crossover, replaced the stock speaks with Infinity reference series (w/ the imaging tweeters). For bass I added two 10" Fosgate comp subs all powered by two kenwood amps. When I listen to Yoyo Ma it sounds like the cello is in my back seat.
