Check Engine light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check Engine light


New Member
February 8, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Westminster, Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport
I'm having an annoying problem with my 2000 Explorer (57,000 miles)- it's currently in the shop for the 5th time since November for the "Check Engine" light.

1st diagnosis- faulty plenum gasket; replaced
2nd diagnosis- faulty O2 sensor; replaced

When it came on again, I took it to a different shop-

3rd diagnosis- Mass Airflow Sensor was dirty; they cleaned it out.
4th diagnosis- Mass Airflow Sensor was faulty; replaced.

Now, at this time, I had a lengthy conversation with the tech- he said that the code he was getting could only be explained by the MAS or a bad plenum gasket... he said he was leaning toward the MAS, because the plenum gasket would cause a vacuum leak, which would trip the computer pretty quickly; there had been a one-to-three week lag each time the light came on. Made sense to me, so I told him to go ahead and replace the MAS.

So now, as I said, it's in the shop for the 5th time. The CURRENT diagnosis- it's the Fuel Rail gasket... which they're saying is not the same as the plenum gasket, and would cause a fuel leak resulting in the computer thinking it's running rich, so it tries to lean it out...

Does anyone have experience with this? Does it sound plausible? Or are they just swapping parts until they (hopefully) get lucky?

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Are they just telling all this or are they provifing the OBD trouble code(s)?

Get the code(s) and post here; we will help you.

Good luck .....

Do you have the SOHC or OHV engine?

Sounds like it's time to take your truck somewhere else... it's too bad the majority here have no faith in dealers.

Eneurb said:
it's too bad the majority here have no faith in dealers.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of dealerships deserve "our" lack of respect.

You can't make chicken salad out of chicken poop, no matter how much mayo you use.

couldn;'t have been a dealer he had taken it to.
could it have been???
maybe a small local shop.
maybe just a parts changer and finally hoping to get it right...

aldive said:
Unfortunately, the vast majority of dealerships deserve "our" lack of respect.

You can't make chicken salad out of chicken poop, no matter how much mayo you use.

Agreed. I have lost complete faith in my dealership. Between their diagnostic fees, the "nothing wrong", the "its not covered", blah blah blah. I only go there because I have an engine warrantee that requires I get oil changes done there.

I have completely been turned off by Ford as a result. If it were not for this message board I probably would have sold my X by now.

3 weeks ago I took my 1998 windstar to the dealer as my transmission wa acting up wicked bad..
so they said well the transmission needs to be rebuilt approx $2000 -$2500
and we can start on it today.
thank god i haver 3 vehicles so i said never mind and they charged me $97.50 and then after many nights researching on the automotiveforums board.
it turned out to be a $22.99 part at autozone neutral safety switch.
I went back and said well I think you owe me $97.50 refund. and they laughed in my face basically.
Long day in hell before i take it to the dealer.
although on my 2002 explorer it has 92000 on it and i need transmission fluid changed and i can not do it as it needs special fillers and such .
So maybe on this one I will eat my words and let them do it for the $69.99 transmission service,
thanks everyone.
this board is so much fun..
