Dallas / Tulsa Run Coming Up? YIPPIE!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dallas / Tulsa Run Coming Up? YIPPIE!!!


Elite Explorer
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February 13, 1999
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Tampa, FL
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Chief GPS'um and Still Lost Native Texan
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'99 EB 4x4 "Herc" RIP
OK Texans and Okies and Arkies, tentative plans are being set and it looks like this can be a "go".....

On Feb 5th plans are being discussed for a small group from D/FW and Tulsa to "meet in the middle" for a run at Clayton, OK a couple of hours north of DFW and easy driving distance from three states.

The vehicles seem to be mostly stock but there are two heavily modified Jeeps to lead the way and serve as trail guides.

Zowies... a real run within driving distance of Big D! I'm hyperventilating! Dead Link Removed
Who wants to go? Huh, who wants to??? Me! Me!

'99 EB 4x4
K&N / Drilled Airbox
Torsion Twist / Shackle Lift
Zaino, Wood Dash, CB, and Millenium Jack Antenna Ball Dead Link Removed

[This message has been edited by GJarrett (edited 01-26-2000).]

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Where abouts is Clayton? Is it up I35 near Okla City? What kind of terrain are you expecting? That Oklahoma red clay can be tricky. I might be intereste. It's been a few months since I've been back to Oklahoma (Stillwater)


Hi Brett, hope to meet you someday this year!

I pulled up Clayton on Mapquest dot com. It's way east of OKC toward Arkansas, right smack dab in the middle of Podunk Nowhere, USA. It appears to be centered in a triangle formed by McAlester and Antlers in Oklahoma, and Mena in Arkansas. Crappola, I figure you are 800 miles away from making this run. Dead Link Removed

What's got me excited is I've drove through the Mena-to-Oklahoma roads in the Ozark Mountains on a motorcycle before. And bad as this Texan hates to admit it, Oklahoma has gorgeous spine-tingling scenery over there. I've learned there are places around here where God just enjoys showing off, and this is one of them.

What I am saying is that I don't think this will be a red-clay river bottom run. As close as it is to the beauty that God dumped on the Mena area, I'm hoping for "mini" Colorado-character trails and scenery. I know it won't be THAT nice, but it'll sure beat watching "Who wants to [but will probably not] be a millionaire" that weekend.

I have a strong feeling that in the very near future I'll wear the "new" off of my '99 Eddie Bauer and ruin the crap outta my nice Zaino finish....

You guys can giggle at me soon and welcome me to the party. I'm making sure my vehicle insurance is paid up tomorrow. Sometimes I guess it's nice to be single: I won't have to explain why I bent up a $36k vehicle just for grins.

-- " when God decides to show off, I wanna see it while I'm in an Explorer" --

[This message has been edited by GJarrett (edited 01-27-2000).]

I am interested! Let me know details

Brian Green
92 2wd Explorer w/
6 inch Suspension lift
92 2wd Ranger w/
5.5 inch suspension lift

I went to Oklahoma State University in Stillwater and while I was there, I did some 4 wheeling in the oil fields ( I should say mudding) and once took a scenic route near Muskogee and got run off by some old hillbilly with a shotgun. It was really pretty up there, but the moutains were really hills by my standards. I think a run like this should be fun. Eastern Oklahoma is very scenic with a lot of lush vegetation

[This message has been edited by Brett (edited 01-26-2000).]

Yep I know the Ozarks aren't the Rockies. But they sure beat Dallas! And we could make this a BYOG trip after reading your story.
(Bring Your Own Gun)

I'll keep you posted as soon as I find out any firm details.

[This message has been edited by GJarrett (edited 01-27-2000).]

Gerald, It looks like a go for Clayton assuming the weather permits ( Ice ). I need to confirm with Thumper our trail lead about times & meeting place. Probable Caravan up from DFW area to Clayton meeting place. More details on Monday.

Rob " Let's Go " Robertson
McKinney TX

Gerald -

Once you set a meeting time and place (in Clayton), let me know. Next weekend looks open for me and I may be able to meet you there for some wheeling.


I am definetly interested in this as well, just let me know the details, so i can start making some schedule arrangements. Thanks!

Sinjin PEZ

Clayton is off. Our trail lead is not comfortable with straying to far from home with his new mods until he has tested and tweaked some more closer to home. I don't feel like playing a 4X4 version of 3 blind mice, so let's schedule this for March or April. Also there is a $25 per person yearly permit to trail in the area we were going.

We are planning on hitting the 360 area here in DFW area Saturday as a concellation. ( I want to see how Modded Thumper is anyway )Gjarrett & trckmagic shoot me an e-mail if you want to go. Still a challangening area for us.

Rob Robertson
McKinney TX


I got an email from Thumper saying he is in St Louis right now and won't get back until late Friday or early Saturday AM and won't know his final plans until then. But he suggested meeting at a 7-11 near there at 11am or 12noon Saturday morning anyway.

Is this trip still a go whether he makes it or not? I'm going to try to call Mark T. at work tomorrow to see what he's planning about this. It's getting pretty close to Saturday now, you know?

Sinjin, I'd be happy to see you here, but if you are driving up from Austin you'd need 3 1/2 to 4 hours to get here and that means you'd be on the way up here before we may be sure Thumper shows up. This sounds kinda iffy for you unless Rob can shed a little light on it for us before then.


I talked to Brian Green and he still wants to join us.

ok, so what are the exact dates that we are looking at? And what is the final location?

Sinjin PEZ

Sorry, for the last minute plans. This was a very flexable deal from the git go. We went to 360 and rode the trails there. Gjarret & Truck Magic did extremely well. They both have very nice rigs and pushed them to there limit today. If you could have seen the looks on our faces when we had to climb the "Wall" just to get in to the area. Anyway, we had a blast and need to schedule another run sometime next month.

Rob Robertson
94 XLT
McKinney TX

Glad you guys had a great time. Thought I'd be able to meet you half way, but once Clayton was cancelled, I knew I wouldn't make it to the DFW area for a Saturday Run...

Gerald, Rod, Brian, and Rob - - Hope this Run got you motivated for some Kansas wheeling!! Had to go out to Tuttle Creek today and pre-run some of the trails; and like Dunkin Dougnuts... "Its worth the trip!"

Hope you can make it.


The trip was great! I only damaged a couple things on the trip. Tailpipes, Catalytic converter, Front right coil spring. That was some major stuff for our first times out. Some of the jeeps had some problems on some of the things. It was great guys and good meeting the two of you!

Brian Green
92 2wd Explorer w/
6 inch Suspension lift
92 2wd Ranger w/
5.5 inch suspension lift

I survived with no Damage! It was a great feeling completing some of those trails. I did 1 run that truly surprised me that I made it. Some of the jeeps with 35" tires really had to work at it to make it up that run. I do need some Lift. Ground clearance was very tough in some area's. Also, next time need a VCR. It's hard to descibe some of the stuff you do in these SUV's. They are definatly not just for groceries. Who wants to plan the next one?

Rob Robertson
McKinney TX
