Door lock actuator came off door | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Door lock actuator came off door


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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Year, Model & Trim Level
04 EB V8
I was getting a thud every time I locked & unlocked my drivers door. I investigated it today & found the door lock actuator has broke loose from the door. There's a rivet holding it in place that sheered off. The actuator works fine. Problem is the drivers door doesn't lock/unlock now with the switch or alarm button. But if I hold the actuator in place where the rivet was holding it, it's fine. Seems it needs to be stably mounted to work right.
Any suggestions on reattaching this thing?

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Somewhat common failure. Use a short 1/4" button head bolt, fender washer, and nut. Or have a body shop re-rivet it for you.

You probably want a window regulator rivet here, it is a few bucks at napa. I believe it is a 1/4' hole.

A rivet gun isn't expensive at harbor freight either.
17-1/2 In Heavy Duty Hand Riveter Set With Collection Bottle

Not sure if a bolt is a good idea, first the door trim has to come off, you may be able to line up the holes with the door trim on and rivet The bolt may will loosen up. The door trim may have to come off with either method. If you use a bolt, be sure to use locktite red on the nut, and be sure it has a thin head if possible.

They are probably going to charge 30-60$ to repair, more if the door trim comes off.

I used that Harbor Freight one to attach an actuator in mine. Worked fine.

I used a 1/4x20 grade 8 bolt and a Nyloc nut any time I have to replace a rivet.

The other half of the rivet is still in the unit. Do I drill it out? I'll have to hold it from behind no matter what so the door panel off is no big deal.

Just remove the actuator, or hold it in the door, then drill the remains of the rivet out and ideally re rivet it, I've done the bolt method and it's not the best long term, I've found the bolts eventually back up even with double nuts or thread locker.

All good now. I just had a shop fix it. They put a new rivet in. $45

Ouch isn't the word for that, I mean granted here shops draw like $375 for drum brakes. Shops are insane.

Holy ouch...
Taking that door panel off is a royal PITA. It has those clips from hell. $45 is fair. Even if they just did a rivet, if he bought the tools and rivet is its $30.

True but then he'd have the stuff to fix the other doors because that's likely a repeat offender. The clips haven't ever been that hard for me either, generally mine come right off. Then again my white truck's doors are complete junk inside, which isn't a good sign on how many times they've been apart.
