driving with stuck closed thermostat for a few hundred miles - potential damage? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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driving with stuck closed thermostat for a few hundred miles - potential damage?


August 21, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Arizona, USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Eddie Bauer
I drove my 99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 Explorer with SOHC V6 engine this weekend from Phoenix to Vegas for a labor day get-away.

After I reached Hoover Dam, while going up and down the steep inclines, my thermostat became stuck in the closed position. As a result my engine started to overheat.

I had to really dial back on the speed, and keep a watch on the AC. If the engine got too hot, the computer would automatically prevent the AC from working, it seemed.

The temperature gauge hovered between 70 - 90% of the gauge, towards the warm area. However, I never let it get close to the max. The "check engine gauge" light came on for only 5-10 seconds the first time it threatened to overheat while driving in Hoover Dam, and never again after that after I started to drive very slowly and conservatively.

So while in Vegas, driving in regular traffic, the temp gauge would stay about 70-80% of the gauge.

Then on Monday I had to drive the Explorer back. I drove back in the evening, after the sun had gone down, to minimize the heat and use of AC.

It was pretty brutal going up the inclines on the hills, as the temp gauge would shoot up from 70% to 85 - 90% and rarely around 95% of the max temp range. On declines the engine would cool down to 60-70%.

Anyway I made it home safely without the Explorer overheating and dying. All in all I estimated I drove 400-450 miles with the thermostat stuck closed, and the temp gauge hovering around 70-80%.

I've since had the thermostat replaced, and the coolant flushed, and now the engine runs very cool, well below the middle of the temperature gauge.

The only thing I am wondering about, is could I have caused any damage to the engine / radiator or any other parts? There does not appear to be any other issues right now, but I want to be on the lookout if anything should pop up and I need to be aware of it.


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As long as you didn't over heat super hard, the Ford blocks have been incredably durable in my experience.

Agreed- if you were still in the normal range of the temp gauge, your Ex should be fine. You'd better give 'er a nice wash and wax though, or next time she'll clobber you in the middle of nowhere. :D

Like a horse with no name... In the desert. Showing my age. I think they have signs out there that recomend against running A/C.

Were there plants and birds and rocks and things? :D

if there was any sort of damage, most likely it was in the head gasket, so just check in your coolant reservoir and in the radiator for bubbles as if it was boiling, that means compression is escaping from the cylinders to the cooling system, but of that is not happening just change the thermostat, it´s most likely to have gotten stuck in a middle position rather than completely closed, or it would have really over heated. and also flush the system and i mean a really good flush, to keep the new one from shutting down, and also use appropriate coolant or antifreeze or distilled water mixtures.

J.D. I just may re-upity my EX Elite payment. Knowing folks like you are still around.

We're here- we can't go anywhere... :)

I'm on a Camry forum since I am also driving that stupid thing now once in a while, and the Toyo forum is absolutely nothing like the EF. :thumbsup:

Thanks for the info guys! Really appreciate it!

The coolant never boiled over, and I do think the thermostat was only partially closed, or otherwise I don't think I could have made it home.

Honestly, Did you smoke the engine harder than what you are saying?

If you are deeply concerned you could do a compression check.

Do you have any unusual noises like a tap or ratteling metalic sound comming from the engine?
