Explorer 93 ecu pinout chart | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer 93 ecu pinout chart


March 4, 2018
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Year, Model & Trim Level
93 explorer xlt
Hi everybody,

I'm Looking for the ecu pinout chart of an explorer 93. My problem is Im swapping my bronco II 2.9 87 with a 93 4.0ohv and I'm in the process of cleaning the wiring harness (removing abs, headlight wirings) because I will use my stock wiring.

In the process I found a wire that goes from ECU pin 17 to abs ECU plug and also to the big plug that go inside the cabin.

I think is for MIL light( check engine light) but not sure.

Someone that can help me?

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tan red is mil wire

ECU Pinouts / EFIDynoTuning

EEC-IV is at the top of the page.

You will need the 5 letter "strategy" code off your PCM to find the correct pinout for your model/year/trans etc.

Isn’t it usually on a sticker on the ECM itself?


This is not an Explorer ECM but I think the code you need is on a sticker similar to this one up at the top
Yours is eec-iv not eec-v but I think it’s the bigger numbers/letters

Yep that's it, the big letters. Some codes do have a number or two.

Oops, Sorry wrong link. That was for the 5.0L cars.

Here ya go: Ford EEC-IV
