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Got a new console today


Well-Known Member
November 23, 2008
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2004 sport trac xlt
I got the premium console today for my sport trac (ill post a picture of it later) for 50 dollars today from the johnson's mustang and truck parts in virginia, They have so many explorers and a few sport tracs, but they have really good deals.

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wow congrats. Wish I had one near me!

You need the rear mounting bracket too. Did you get that?


Whats the premium console?

yep i got everything i needed to put it in, and its in the truck now :D i love it so much better.

i need a new center consule for my 01 sport mine is broken

What color is your old one? Is it in good shape? My arm rest is broken in my 02 ST and its driving me crazy.

Saw a replacement on ebay for the hinge for $95 shipped.

my old one had the arm rest broken in it, i threw it away

Hehe, just like mine.

mine is broken the screws came off and everything else also i dont got any cup holders in my sport as well. so it sux big time as well.

cause today my friend was hanging out with me today and his cell phone was ringing and we were at a red light once the light turned green his soda spilled one the floor and it got all over the floor. I wish my sport had cup holders i badly need them. cause my floor had previous stains on it before like coffee and some other stains on when the previous owner had it.

I went to the dealer and bought a new hinge and bracket for my ST. Had installed in 10 minutes. I now have an armrest, yay!

Can you get the premium console in a tan color? Also, will the radio and the vents hookup with the premium console. Thanks

yes i can get it in tan color, last time i was there they had the tan color one.

Where can i find one of those where i live? I would love to have one? I live in Warner Robins, GA
