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May 20, 2009
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Lindsay, ON
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'04 ST Adrenalin
Hey everyone. I'm new here and drive a 2000 Ford Explorer Sport. I absolutely love it as it is my first Ford, I've already had a few minor problems which were a blast to handle. I'm looking forward to this website as my Sport is all stock but that will hopefully change now that I'm driving it. I've already used this website to get some useful info to tackle the issues with the ABS etc.

Looking forward to contribute and get ideas for modifying my Sport. Any ideas one how I can increase the fuel economy feasibly? Thanks.

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Hi and welcome GuardianSport



Few things you can look into for better fuel economy.

Driving Habbits
Tire pressure
Dragging brakes
Air Filter (if you have an air filter that requires oil, if over oiled the oil can get on the MAF)
Fuel Filter (One bad tank of fuel can clog a fuel filter)
Mass Air Flow Sensor (MAF)
Idle Air Control Unit (IAC)
Oil change (Preferably Synthetic)
Transmission Fuid Change (Preferably Synthetic)
Differential Fluid Change (Preferably Synthetic)
Bad wheel bearings
Intake Leak
Exhaust Leak
Seafoam (Carbon buildup)
Spark Plugs
Spark plug Wires
Radiator Flush
Extra weight unneeded weight
Fuel quality (Every tank of fuel and gas station is different)
02 Sensor
Clogged Fuel Injector(s)

BrooklynBay said:
Welcome to this forum! Check AlDive's thread called Quest for 30 for gas saving tips.
I did so, very informative! I get about 460 or so km on one tank, which equals 285 miles per tank on mixed high-way/in town driving.
jlsparky7 said:

Few things you can look into for better fuel economy.

Driving Habbits
Tire pressure
Dragging brakes
Air Filter (if you have an air filter that requires oil, if over oiled the oil can get on the MAF)
Fuel Filter (One bad tank of fuel can clog a fuel filter)
Mass Air Flow Sensor (MAF)
Idle Air Control Unit (IAC)
Oil change (Preferably Synthetic)
Transmission Fuid Change (Preferably Synthetic)
Differential Fluid Change (Preferably Synthetic)
Bad wheel bearings
Intake Leak
Exhaust Leak
Seafoam (Carbon buildup)
Spark Plugs
Spark plug Wires
Radiator Flush
Extra weight unneeded weight
Fuel quality (Every tank of fuel and gas station is different)
02 Sensor
Clogged Fuel Injector(s)
Good ideas. I've already been driving with Castrol synthetic 5w 30 for some time now, which is good because when I bought the truck it hadn't had an oil change in 20,000 km (the former owners were very abusive, I think). I will look into the rest of your suggestions.

Question: is a cold air system worthwhile? Thanks.

I did so, very informative! I get about 460 or so km on one tank, which equals 285 miles per tank on mixed high-way/in town driving.

Good ideas. I've already been driving with Castrol synthetic 5w 30 for some time now, which is good because when I bought the truck it hadn't had an oil change in 20,000 km (the former owners were very abusive, I think). I will look into the rest of your suggestions.

Question: is a cold air system worthwhile? Thanks.

A lot of people see gains mpg/hp wise from cold air intake systems. Probably worth the money if you have it.

Im thinking about making my own with pvc pipe and a larger MAF.

Definitely tell me how that goes, if it works that'd be the perfect "budget fix".

Definitely tell me how that goes, if it works that'd be the perfect "budget fix".

I love budget fixes lol.

One of the guys on here routed a rad hose from his air box to infront of his rad and claims he got a slight fuel economy increase. Acts as like a "ram air" kinda deal. I would like to give it a shot. Makes sense to me....
