help, my heater stopped working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help, my heater stopped working


February 18, 2010
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So this morning it was 45 degrees. I have a 96 explorer eddie... automatic climate control. I put it in defroster but noticed it wasn't warming up. i put it tried it on everything max ac, vent, floor, but cold air seemed to be coming out.
I set the thing to 90 degrees and still cold air was coming out. It was fine yesterday and it did blow heat good from every direction.

I have noticed there is a leak on the passengerside under the hood. Theres two hoses coming out of the fire wall. Coolant level is ok, Engine temp is ok too. could this have anything to do? leak is minor. just a few drops when i shut the engine off.

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Look at the heater control valve located in the engine compartment. Controlled by a vacuum is in line of the heater hoses coming out of the firewall...common failure for leaks too...

Thanks for that tip,
i did a google search to see what it looks like and that is actually where the leak is coming from. its looks like antifreeze and it drips down to the exhaust manifold. The drip is from right where the hoses connect to that little valve.
Does that sound like the issue?

That is it and if it is dripping it is bad...simple fix available at any auto parts store...make sure the vacuum line fits snug after you replace...

Hey there again, so i replaced the heater control valve and it started working fine again for like 2 days then heat went out again.
When it started working i tested going from cold to warm and it was working fine, it would go from really cold, to warm then to hot.. depending on the degrees.

Now I can have it set to 90 or to 60 and its only cold.
I heard about the blend door, so what I did was I left the ignistion key set to on and moved the degrees, and everytime i would move it i would hear a motor move in the glove box, but still no hot air.

Also when its at 60 degrees, and i move it to about 90 some where in the middle the air starts blowing slower and i hear something switch by the glove box then the air gets faster again, if i leave it at 70 thats about the point to where it slows down then it picks up if i leave it there.

. Wierd thing is if i have it at 60 degrees, the air comes from the vents, when i put it at 90 degrees it switches to the vents from the top of the dash and the floor. I switch back to 60 degrees and it goes back to vents.

The only way i can get the vents to stay on at 90 is by hitting the vents button. when its in auto it doesnt stay in vents.
