I wonder if this would work in an Ex? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I wonder if this would work in an Ex?

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That depends on your skillset and experience:

"Modifications and additional wiring between the ECU and engine harness will be required."

Dang man that would be pretty sweet to drop in an ex :D

DEFF get some pics and videos up if you can do it..

Actually for that price, I would opt for the 5.0L - it still has a wider support than the 4.6, and is a lot easier to work with physically (dimensions).


What was the 5.0L rated at, in stock form in the Explorer? 215 or so?

260 hp is nothing more than Roller Rockers, Headers, and a Tuner away....

Even if you PAY SHOP PRICES to have that work done, you are WAY under the 4k price of JUST the motor and trans.

By the time you stuff a 4.6L into a 91-01 Explorer, you would have spent another 4k in other things...driveshaft, cooling, heating, steering, exhaust, oil, mounts, wiring...blah,blah,blah....

It's just not WORTH it for 260hp..


May be cheaper to just buy a wrecked 99-04 Mustang GT. That's all that motor is anyway and then you would have all the wiring to make the swap. The block is iron and if you wanted to have an aluminum block, find a wrecked 02-05 Explorer 4.6. It would be a good swap for someone with a V6 I think.

What sparked my interest about this was the entire combo at one location. Also, it comes with an ECU and wire harness. Not bad for new stuff at one location - No need to search all over the place to get the parts.

To me, this would be a good start of more to come. I guess it depends on what you're looking for and want to do with your EX.

Yeah, Spdrcer34, that is true, it probably would be a lot more involved than a 5.0 swap. But right now I have a SOHC v6. I've been reading a whole lot about people having their timing chain tensioners go, and I've been worried when that might happen to my car. I've got 155,000 on the car, and figured that if its 1500 or whatever to get tensioners fixed then, maybe an engine swap would be a better option if that much money is involved. Or a new car... I don't know. Thoughts?

My mom had a 96 Ex V6 with 230,000 miles and the only thing changed was the transmission at 185,000. My brother bought it, lifted it, rolled it and now its dead.

4.6L have the EXACT same issues with timing chains.

