installing heated seats and digital climate control | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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installing heated seats and digital climate control


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September 1, 2009
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2018 Ford Explorer Sport
i have an 06 eddie baur i bought through a private sell, it didnt come with climate control, heated seats, or a nav system, i am thinking of getting a quote from my local ford dealer to see how much it would cost to have all 3 installed, for the heated, i just want the wearing system installed there, but when i did look under the seat i did find a connection that wasnt connected to anything so i am guessing i can install in heated seats if i wanted too, there and i can order the seats from ebay at a cheaper price from ebay

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That would be way too expensive to be worth it to have the dealershpi to get it done in my opinion.

You would save sevral hundred dollars just doing it yourself. You could even just install aftermarket heating elements in you current seats underneath the seat covers. People have done it before, search for it on this forum.

I don't know anything about how the auto-climate system works though.

i dont know how to do it myself, so i dont i think i would, and i want to get the factory microsoft sync installed as well, i am guessing i am looking at around 2 grand if so that is not bad at all

Guess again... They sync system will be be about that from a dealership. They will need to replace the radio and then all the sync equipment.

For the sync part, and nav. you would be better getting a pioneer, kenwood unit. All sync will give you is bluetooth, and ipod control. Well you can get a pioneer touchscreen, dvd, nav, ipod, bluetooth starting about 500.

Heated seats, just go aftermarket. Any smaller ma-pa audio shop or any car ulpholstry shops can and will do the heated seats. My guess is they will charge you about 100-250 per seat. The elements are very similar to the factory, just different switches.

As for your climate, the dials are vacuum and the electronic are not. So it will be more then just swapping the dials, and dash bezel

Guess again... They sync system will be be about that from a dealership. They will need to replace the radio and then all the sync equipment.

For the sync part, and nav. you would be better getting a pioneer, kenwood unit. All sync will give you is bluetooth, and ipod control. Well you can get a pioneer touchscreen, dvd, nav, ipod, bluetooth starting about 500.

Heated seats, just go aftermarket. Any smaller ma-pa audio shop or any car ulpholstry shops can and will do the heated seats. My guess is they will charge you about 100-250 per seat. The elements are very similar to the factory, just different switches.

As for your climate, the dials are vacuum and the electronic are not. So it will be more then just swapping the dials, and dash bezel


The climate control will need major changes. All electronics, you'll need to change some duct work, dual blend door, add sensors at the least... not an easy job.
