is this what i need? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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is this what i need?

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sweet........i was hoping so :) yes, others, please help me confirm :D

Yes, one. Be sure to get the shocks too.

YES!!!!!!!! thank you guys SO much!!! im so happy, i though i needed 2!!! also, witch shocks do you recomend??

Why would you need 2?

If you dont buy the shocks on the site, you will need to find others for a 4" lift.

beacuse, if you go down to the bottom, and look, it says the parts list, and it only looks like enough to do eather the frount, or back.....

If you are going to get them from the same site, I'd go with the SX8000 Nitro's.

If you are going to get them elsewhere, I LOVE my Bilstein's, just make sure you call them and get the correct ones for a 4 inch lift.
Lots of other X owners like the Rancho 9000's

ill get them from the same site, thanks for all your help!!!
