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Lifting My 2000 eX


Active Member
September 19, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
boston, ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 EB
I finally came to a decision.
I plan to lift my ex 3" BL and put on 33's.

A few questions:
- Does anyone use the stock rims with there new tires? If no, what rims would you suggest?
- What are the dimensions of the stock rims?
-What width do you suggest if not using stock rims?
-What body lift do you suggest?
-If I do the TT, and 3" BL, would I have to make any modifications to fit 33's?

Thanks a lot for having patience!

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I wouldnt use the stock rims with 33's...the stock rims are 15x7's i recomend the 15x8 medium dish crager soft 8's. i paid 308.00 for all 4 of mine. i suggest the performance accesories p.a 883 lift, i just completed mine on the 16'th and i purshased it from suspensionconnection.com...here is the link to that...
you may have to trim a little of the inner fender well and the runnning board depending on how warn your shocks are and how stiff your torsion bars are. the lift kit comes with everthing you need except the rear bumper brackets...i flipped mine around and upside down and they worked..i could send you pictures if you want me to and also the kit doesnt come with the right sized bolts for the mounts just behind the front seats so you use the factory ford bolts out of the very rear of the cargo area for the ones behind the front seats. if you want to see what mine looks like click on the cardomain link in my signature...im getting my 33's tomarrow morning.

i would get an 8" rim if you want to run 33/12.50, on the other hand i have 285/75's (33/11.5) on my stock 16x7 rims and i haven't had any problems and some other members have done the same thing. also tires are cheaper for a 15" rim rather than a 16":confused:
with a 3"bl and tt you should be fine but every x is different. in my case (2" bl and tt) i had to trim a small amount of plastic

By 8", I assume you mean width.

I can only find 8.5"

so the PA 833 for the ranger? It will fit with no mods?

How much does a shop usually charged for an install like this?

also... My truck is AWD. Is it even worth making offroad ready? I mostly do 10-20 foot strips of deep mud.. some loose dirt hill climbing.. stuff like that.. never rock crawling or steep inclines.

I dont have the money or the know how to do a 4v4 swap

also... My truck is AWD. Is it even worth making offroad ready? I mostly do 10-20 foot strips of deep mud.. some loose dirt hill climbing.. stuff like that.. never rock crawling or steep inclines.

I dont have the money or the know how to do a 4v4 swap

As far as I know it's kind of halfway between 2 wheel drive and full 4wd, so it should be ok, just make sure to have good tow points

How much does a shop usually charged for an install like this?

WAAAAY too much. Do it yourself with a friend. It's not as hard as it might seem.
