Moog Enhanced Upper and Lower Ball Joints | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moog Enhanced Upper and Lower Ball Joints


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February 17, 2001
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Central Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Mountaineer 4.6L
Thinking of having the upper and lower ball joints replaced on my 2wd 96 5.0L Explorer. I figure it is time with 118K on it. It's ride is about 1" higher than stock, due to Air Lift air bags on the rear for towing and a slight 1" TT on the front to even things out.

Want to use the enhanced greaseable version of the Moog's units. Will the enhanced versions present a installation, alignment, or suspension travel problem with my 1" lift? Thanks!

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no, but i'm pretty sure you will need an alignment after though.

ball joints

I've read that to replace the upper ball joints you must replace the entire upper control arm. Does any one know about the lower. My haynes book says that the lower ball joint is not servicable. Sounds like crap to me but has anyone changed the lower one themselves?

Yeah, you can change out just the balljoint. 2wd is cake to change the bottom one. awd/4wd is a pain because of the cvjoints and all that good stuff that doesn't give you room to put the press in(right jasonb ?[i think it was you] ).

yeah.. i can see how the 2wd are easy.. but the 4wd you have to get the cv out of the way first.. out of the way enough to get a press or a BFH in there (i used the later). the lowers are indeed serviceable and do not require replacing the control arm. my service cd says that as well. it is wrong. the upper require new control arms but if you buy MOOG (maybe other aftermarket also..not sure) you can replace just the balljoint there too if it ever went bad. i just did uppers and lowers this weekend and i NEVER want to replace ball joints again.

On my 2Wd it doesn't appear to be such a bad job. The truck has only 29,000 on it and everything is still really clean. I'm still not understanding the balljoints going bad so quickly. The boots are really deteriorated and the grease is almost conmpletely gone. Was this just a bad design from Ford or what?

drunx.. the uppers are easy. the lowers just require some force and elbow grease. and yes, its a bad design from ford.

So guys, on a stock 2wd Explorer with only 1" raised ride height, do the enhanced version of Moog's upper and lower ball joints present any fit/length/adjustment problems compared to the OE upper and lower ball joints? Thanks!

Another Question

I know that i have bad ball joints because of clunking and squeaking. But how do i determine if it's my upper or lower or both going bad? I've been thinking that it's my left upper, but when i sit down and think about it, i really don't know. And i want to make sure i order the right one when i get around to replacing it.

Does anyone know where to order the moog ball joints online. Pep Boys (local parts place) wants $145.00 each and that sounds rediculious. Where and how much did you get them for?

MOOG parts at less than $100 for uppers. something like $45 for lowers.

I went to Merchant's Tire today for an alignment and they told me that the ball joints were bad and they wanted to charge me $570 for the R/R. I told them no so I left. They showed me the free up and down movement of the wheel and I know they weren't lying. They did not mention anything about the upper ball joints. But anyways, my dad has a good mechanic which does this and he was asking me if it was the upper or the lower ball joint. I told him I didn't know but I know the lower was toast.

So my question is, do I have to replace both upper and lower ball joints??

Well, I replaced both in mine. Best decision I ever made. Expensive but nice.

Got rid of the "clunk" felt in my steering column which has been a thorn in my side since I bought the vehicle.

FYI..mine did not have any play with the factory units. But I did find one of the booths had torn, exposing the ball joint to dirt, water, ect.. which would have eventually been a problem.

MikeTEC said:
Well, I replaced both in mine. Best decision I ever made. Expensive but nice.

Got rid of the "clunk" felt in my steering column which has been a thorn in my side since I bought the vehicle.

FYI..mine did not have any play with the factory units. But I did find one of the booths had torn, exposing the ball joint to dirt, water, ect.. which would have eventually been a problem.

Want to add the Moog ball joints are EXCELLENT units..much superior to Ford's units, IMO.

See...the thing was that I had no clunks at all. I just happened to notice that my tire was wearing prematurely on the inside so that's why I brought it in for an alignment. That's when they told me that I need new ball joints. Oh well...I guess I'll go ahead and replace those lower ones first until I get more money.

jasonb said:
MOOG parts at less than $100 for uppers. something like $45 for lowers.

How do i know which upper left to order from rockauto? Do i get the one for $97 or for $107?
