New member from Norway | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New member from Norway


New Member
December 6, 2009
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Krokstadelva, Buskerud, Norway
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Scorpio 2.9i wagon
I came across this site searching for answer regarding upgrading an -87 A4LD.
My -94 Ford Scorpio 2.9i has an A4LDe originally, but I changed it to an A4LD supposed to be in excellent condition... But it was not!
I know, this is an explorer forum, but this is the best info I found!
My car is not sold in the states (I think), but has a "brother" sold as (1985–1989) Merkur Scorpio.

After using other forums, and asking the local ford dealer I was warned about using A4LD in my car, as the electronics from the A4LDe is missing, and will not give the ECU the right signals..
I thought, that doesnt make sence...
Ok, the signals is not there, but all that's different is an error code in the ECU...
Otherwise it works fine, except for being "tired" (previous owner told me it was rebuild 3-4 years ago... Only 15000 km after rebuild, he said...)

I've always had an interest for american cars, and know that AT's are used more than manual. Here it's the other way around. And it seems like there's someone that doesn't like "normal" people to know anything about AT's..
Everything about AT's are for specialists...
Well, I refuse to accept that!

So, here I am:) And I've already got a LOT of information!
I've searched everywhere for information about how to either upgrade my A4LD, internally or completely.

After intensely reading "project Frankentranny", finding much of my own thoughts, and way more answers to my questions...
I want to copy Brain's work. Or, actually I think there's some things I have to do differently, as my box is 2wd...

Best reading ever!

I would like to see what happened to the assembly after 10-26-2005, 06:15 AM , which is the last post in the thread...

I'm not finished reading the thread, and I have not looked around here yet... If there's other good threads about this, please tell me!
I noticed there's one mentioned in the frankentranny-thread, but I'm passed that now... I'll check again later!

Also, I have been playing with the thought about putting both the 4.0 SOHC (or other engines bigger than mine) and 5R55 in my Scorpio.. If someone has done something like this, I'd like some info about that too...

A little more about me and my cars:
I'm 42, use too much of my time on cars (according to my wife, but I know she's wrong! I bet I'm not alone...), and simply hates the Norwegian government for making it impossible to have REAL cars! They want everybody to drive a Toyota IQ...
I was the proud owner of an -81 Olds Custom Cruiser 350 Diesel, but I lost it in fire almost 3 years ago, I've had 4 different Olds, 1 Chevy, about 10 Ford's, sadly only one from the right continent.. -91 Crown Victoria...
Strange though, I always loved pickups, but never had one my self... Seems my first pickup will be bought this month, in my other home, Thailand. I don't know if I can find an Explorer there, but that's what I want!

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Welcome! Glad to hear you've found a lot of useful information. Using the search bar at the top of the page will hopefully help you find more info about your transmission questions. Good luck!

Welcome to this forum! We have a thread on the A4LDe:

Actually, this is not the same as my A4LDe... As the poster thought, the Granada/Scorpio has the A4LDe , with solenoids on the TCC & 3-4 shift solenoids... I also have the vacuum modulator... And a cable driven speedo, and a VSS.

Glacier991 said: "This looks like a lost link on the evolutionary changeover from the A4LD to the 4R44E.
And, I agree, I never seen information about a box like this, and I have found a lot of information. Not as interesting as I did here, though...

BUT, (and I will start another thread about this later!) my box NOW is the -87 A4LD. I have the A4LDe in my basement, waiting for my return from Thailand, and a rebuild!
I will start the new thread in a few days... I need some info before I go to Thailand (I'll try to find some parts there).
