new V8 what to do? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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new V8 what to do?


Active Member
June 26, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
St. Louis, MO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 XLT
I recently bought a 2001 v8 and was wondering if you guys could give me some advice. I was wondering if there are any mods that I can make to the car to improve horsepower that would not void the factory warrenty. I do have a K&N filtercharger kit from my 97 v6 SOHC which I was planning on putting on my new truck. I was just wondering whatelse there was out there.
Kristen :)

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Any mod you do to your truck will not break the warrenty unless that mod does damage to your Explorer.

I forgot the law's name but that law is in place to protect us from, "sorry you took your airbox out for a bigger filter, we can't do anything now."

Gotta love that law atleast. ;)

i would go with a chip, cat back,mass air(Pro-M), Shift kit and may be Gears Depending on what your car came with.

Kris, if u look at my signature, you'll see what i did to my explorer. Just stay away from the throttle body spacer. The superchip is awsome. If u get the superchip, remember to remove it if you have to bring your truck to the dealership for repairs, its pretty easy to do. In my opinion, stay away from changing gears, u have a new truck, not a 68 mustang. Hope this helps

Get a custom split rear dual exhaust with a 2 chamber flowmaster. It would sound so sweet.
