No vin number after almost 2 months | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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No vin number after almost 2 months

Not even two full days went by after switching dealers and placing my new order and...Presto! I got a VIN number. What couldn't be accomplished in over two months at my first dealer only took me two days at the next one for the exact same car. I'm much happier now. I now know it's in the system and going to be built soon.

So frustrating waiting all that time with zero info with the first dealer.

First dealer still not responding, by the way. No return calls, emails, or texts. Nothing. Maybe they read this... I hope they do. :D

Thank you to Seni for updating me on the VIN.

Faith renewed in Ford.

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Great that you made the switch. Ordered ours on 2/25, delivered on 4/13. Wife is still smiling ear to ear.

I ordered 3/12 and no VIN yet, so we are 5 weeks now.

The dealer says they have no control, but I really think they know what is going on. You read one post about allocation, and then another about retail orders have nothing to do with allocation. I have read so many contradicting articles it has driven me insane.

Small town, "Select" dealer who I am trying to be loyal to. Reading all the positive posts only fuels my frustration trying to understand where my car is in the process. I feel like I am not the customer and they are doing me a favor by building one of these cars for me.

I ordered Sterling Gray/Charcoal/302A, Dual Buckets w/console, Moonroof, Tow, and DVD headrests, floor mats. Maybe that isn't enough MSRP for Ford to get built and sold :D

Called Ford customer service today and was told that my vehicle didn't have a vin# assigned to it yet. I have been without a car for two months and can only afford to do this for another five weeks. Hope to get it by the 3 month deadline or I'm walking. (initially told 8 to 10 weeks). This was 7 weeks ago that I ordered mine :(

Since you have a VIN now, let me know if I may offer further tracking information. Currently you are awaiting to be built. Feel free to check in next week. Meanwhile, as I may have mentioned, you can refer to your window sticker for more information about your vehicle.

To view or print a copy of your original window label, enter your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) after the equal sign at the end of the web address, " " then copy and paste the entire URL without quotation marks into your internet browser.



update! just got a call from my dealer; car is here!!!! so they are pretty fast:

order 3/8, build 3/30, SYNC 4/1, arrived 4/12! so a little bit more than a month!

Congrats! Are you loving your Explorer?


Seri are you out there?

Hi Seri,

I am trying to get some more info on my order because my lease expires on 5/21 and IO have to make plans as to whether or not I need to extend my lease because my XLT is not going to be ready. My dealer is Hasslett Ford in Wantagh NY and there code is 13A 091. My order # is F312 and my Vin # is 1orIFMHK8D83BGA67452. Any info that you can provide me with would be appreciated.


