PLEASE HELP a newb figure out if this Explorer is worth it! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PLEASE HELP a newb figure out if this Explorer is worth it!


New Member
March 26, 2010
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Hey guys...I'm a newb to this site...I found it while searching info on transfer cases for a '98 Explorer 4x4. I have the opportunity to purchase a 1998 Ford Explorer 4x4. Here's the info:

It has 151k miles, the motor and transmission are in excellent condition, but the guy said there might be some problems w/ the transfer case...He was asking $750, but I talked him down to $600. The carfax checks out, and plus, he is the original owner w/ a folder full of reciets, service records, etc.

IS IT A GOOD DEAL? I really need a car ASAP. Any input would be GREATLY appreciated!

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I would say that, yes, it would be worth it. Even if it dies in a month or 2 you could part it out for more than that.

Welcome to the forum!

Absolutely! For $600 its a steal...what are the "problems" with transfer case..a good change of fluid may quiet it down..or it may just be the shift motor...

what does the transfer case do/control? how will a bad or slightly bad transfer case affect the cars ride? We honestly don't do that much driving, and when we do drive it would be local (say 5-10 miles round trip). As far as the rest of the car, the interior/exterior is immaculate, and when i test drove it, it felt like a brand new explorer.
So, is it worth it?

Thanks so much again for the help/info!

transfer case splits power to front and rear wheels...depending on which type you have it could be full time or switched on the dash..if it runs and drives and there are not a lot of strange noises you should be ok...common problem is the electric motor fails that switches between 2 and 4 wheel and easy to fix..3 bolts..

even if you have to replace transfer case..they are available at most salvage yards...

Thats a good deal like every one has stated. If it drove nice go for it!


Thanks to all the users that helped a newb to this site like myself with much needed info. Hopefully I'll have the explorer no later than Monday...Heres the web pic, but if and when i get it, I'll take some better ones!


Thanks again!

Yea for $600 I would jump on that deal.

holy crap i would take that x and that x looks nice

That is a good looking truck! $600 I don't think you can go wrong on a deal like that.
