rear bumper hitch hole cover | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear bumper hitch hole cover


Explorer Addict
June 5, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
LaPorte, Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 Civic LX
i've seen some expo's with little round covers over the hitch holes in the bumpers by the licence plate. I was wonder if anyone has gotten one of these from ford and if so how much, i looked at ford parts network but it wasn't under rear go figure....

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Why dont you just get a ball hitch to put in there. So what if you dont use it. they are about $8 from parts store.

they get rusty after a short time and i am going for the sport look and i never tow anything ever

The hitch plugs can't be more than $10 from Ford.

Originally posted by EliteConcept
they get rusty after a short time and i am going for the sport look and i never tow anything ever

I've had mine on for quite awhile and it has yet to get rusty. And I have used it. It was somewhere around $7 at Kmart.

Hey if you like to hunt or camp my father builds inserts. He makes them from steel and he has Elk, Moose, and Deer inserts. They are really cool but they are kinda pricey. Just e-mail me if you are interested.

Originally posted by Premier
Hey if you like to hunt or camp my father builds inserts. He makes them from steel and he has Elk, Moose, and Deer inserts. They are really cool but they are kinda pricey. Just e-mail me if you are interested.

I think you're talking about a receiver cover. There is a hole in the bumper for a ball. And it comes with a plug that goes in if you don't want to use the hole. Thats what he's looking for. I think

Well if you want send me the money for a ball ($8) and I will send you my plastic piece (its painted black). Im sure thats cheaper than ford will sell it to you for.

IAmTodd. You are right. I guess I read the post to hastily... Next time I guess i'll read slower. GL

Originally posted by Premier
IAmTodd. You are right. I guess I read the post to hastily... Next time I guess i'll read slower. GL

Yea, I've done that too. Thats cool that he can make then. Do you have any pics?

i'm gonna check at ford and find out a price on these i was just wondering if anyone knew for a crazy reason..i'll find out tomorrow
