Rear left window stopped working, works fine now? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear left window stopped working, works fine now?


I'll have another...
March 1, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 XLT
So driving to work this morning, I had all 4 windows down about 3", get to work, roll them up but the rear left side won't move. No motor noise, no dimming lights or anything like it was stuck.

Wouldn't move by hand more than like 1/2" maybe. Assumed the motor probably died, left on my first break, still nothing. Came out here at lunch and it rolled right up and even down again. Works perfectly fine now!

Think it may be shorting out somewhere? Any ideas where to start? I didn't open that door at all, just my drivers door. Neither switch worked at the time and both work now.

Sporadic electrical problems are tough. A good place to start would be to check the plug on the window motor. Make sure it's not tight and make sure the wires are not being pinched.

You know the odd thing is, my display showed "Tire Pressure Sensor Fault" at the same time the window wasn't working. (Through multiple cycles of the key, and even starting the engine) but when the window worked again randomly, the tire pressure warning was no longer there either.

I can deal with straightforward problems, but these electrical gremlins will drive me nuts! Had one right when I bought it, told me the LR blinker was out, even had the hyper flash, but the bulb was working fine. A simple stop and restart fixed that though and never saw it again.
