Rear Vault Drivers side Cargo area Installation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Vault Drivers side Cargo area Installation


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July 28, 2015
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2013 Ford Police Utility
Hello Everyone,

This my first post. I have a Grey 2013 PIU formally of the Morgan County Sheriff's Dept. Utah. Drove her home to the San Francisco Bay area 3 years ago. My friend did the remote start, remote door locks and Sirius Sat Radio mod. I would like to install the OEM Storage Box EB5Z‑78115A00‑AA. Has anyone installed this box or have the instructions on how to install the box. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you, Hector

2013 Grey PIU

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Welcome to the Forum Hector.:wave:


If it's what I think it is, mine is on the Pass side in my '13 PIU. Its an enxlosed compartment with a sold panel. I installed mine. Mine is mounted where the sub is in a Limited. It's pretty easy. Drill out the plastic pins for the sub grill and remove the grill. The compartment uses the same pins, align them and melt them over like the factory did to secure it. Pretty easy. Take your time.

If it's what I think it is, mine is on the Pass side in my '13 PIU. Its an enxlosed compartment with a sold panel. I installed mine. Mine is mounted where the sub is in a Limited. It's pretty easy. Drill out the plastic pins for the sub grill and remove the grill. The compartment uses the same pins, align them and melt them over like the factory did to secure it. Pretty easy. Take your time.

Thank you Lightn95 will do.
