Redline Temp Guage Warning | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Redline Temp Guage Warning

If you had another temp gauge hooked up (or reading from a scanner) to verify the actual water temp is not too high, than I would say that your diagnosis is correct and that it is some sort of warning only.
Do you know if the V-8 has a rev limiter? (I would think all computers have a built-in rev limiter these days)

Not sure about the rev limiter. Look at the sheeeit I got for manually shifting an automatic trans and letting the tach touch red. I'm leaning towards an extra warning built in only because after about 10 seconds the guages are back to normal and there is no way to eliminate an overheating condition that quickly.

Bill and Bender thanks for sticking to the topic and asking for clarification when needed.:thumbsup:


Hi... this is my first post. I saw something today in my newly acquired X that made me look twice. And now that I've read this, i had to register and post.

Anyway, the engine is running and the plastic cover is off. I rev the engine and notice that the upper radiator hose would collapse a bit when I revved it. I imagine it could collapse completely if I revved it high enough. It happened where the radiator hose crosses over the heater hose.

This is just before the coolant enters the engine (I think, but correct me if the flow is the opposite direction) right near the temperature sender. If coolant gets cut off where it enters the manifold, no cool coolant is there to cool the temperature sender... so the temperature would heat up in that area real quickly and the gauge would shoot up. When the engine slows down, the hose widens back out allowing flow, cooling the manifold and temp sender... and the rest of the engine.

I know you have a newer model with a different engine, but I bet the heater and radiator hoses might generally follow the same pattern. Its definitely worth checking out.

I'm going to replace my radiator hose pronto and see if I can route it under the heater hose as that may be part of the problem.

Good luck.

Oh and I also learned today that I can rev the engine higher than the red. Red starts at 5k and i got to 5500 before I backed off... could my limiter be disabled?

In my opinion, redlines are there to be used now and then... definitely not all the time, but it does an engine good to stretch sometimes. Its also a good way to weed out the bad exhaust valves... ;)
