whats a pretty cheap and good way to lift my X like 3 inches | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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whats a pretty cheap and good way to lift my X like 3 inches


September 8, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Marshfield, Ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT 5.0 AWD
i want to lift my 99 xlt like 3 inches but i dont have a lot of money, but i want a good way to do it, no mickey mouses. anybody got any ideas on products?

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3" body lift is your best bet. Unless you want to spend $1,500 or more for a Ranger suspension lift.

The cheapest is probably F-150 springs and some lift shackles, or F-150 springs and a body lift.

The front is another story. You can get 2 to 2.5 inches from a torsion twist until it becomes an issue with the CV joints. Another inch I'm not sure about.

with the exception of wheels and tires, my lift cost $130 for the body lift and about $50 for the shackles, so about 4-5" total. i didn't take very good measurements so i'm not exactly sure.
body lift
(these sites are not where i got my stuff, they are a bit expensive, but just for your info)

actually JC Whitney is $10 cheaper then Summit believe it or not. not sure where else to look for the 3" BL. For a few more pennies you can get a 3" lift/leveling kit from here http://www.fatbobsgarage.com/cart/p...rer_3_Complete_Lift_Kit_1995_2007-447-22.html GREAT guys to deal with and awesome customer service ;) ;)

i bought my stuff from a place called 'sportztrailers'
here is the original post

body lift was like 130 i believe, they may have given me a good deal since i spent a grand total of $1050 on one order
