Window problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Window problem


August 21, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
miami, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLS
Window will not go up!!!! Help!! It will go down fine, but won't come back up. Could it be the button, regulator, etc?

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Need more info. Can you hear the motor turning when you try to put it up? If so, then you've got a motor issue. If not, it may be a switch.

Well you can hear it as the window is going down. But when I push the button to go up you hear nothing. Since the window is not all the way down yet I can still push the button to send it down. But it won't come back up.

If it is the switch do I have to buy the entire switch assembly or do they sell the individual switch that is bad. This is for a 2002 Explorer 4WD 4-Dr XLS and the problem window is the drivers window.

Sounds like a switch gone bad. DOnt know if its an assemby, but its worth a search here on the site. On my 93 the switches are individual, but under a cover plate and I think the same for the wifes 95. Id have to check my dads 02 to see. If you can get to the switches and they are individuals, just change your drivers side for the passenger side window switch and see if that solves it. If so, then it is a switch.

They are all individuals under the plastic.

White97Jimmy said:
They are all individuals under the plastic.

Good. Then you can swap one of them out test it before you buy anything
