WTB: JBL cd changer and HU | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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WTB: JBL cd changer and HU


New Member
December 10, 2003
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City, State
North Vancouver, BC, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 limited/2000 gt
Hello, I'm looking for jbl cd changer HU and changer. The wiring for these would be great, but I can get one somewhere else. Does any one know if you can change to an aftermarket changer and keep the stock HU?

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You cannot control an aftermarket CD changer with a Ford HU. You COULD add an aftermarket "FM Modulated" changer to your Ford system - be aware that the antenna connection on the '95 JBL system is in the rear quarter - NOT in the head unit. The '95 JBL system uses the "distributed architechture", where the normal "guts" of a head unit, including the tuner section, are enclosed in a special "Rear Control Unit" (base part number -18C851-) which is mounted to the Subwoofer enclosure next to the SW amp.

I do not recommend an FM-modulated type CD changer - they do not offer CD-quality sound. All you get is control of your music selection, the sound quality is only equal to the sound of FM Stereo.



Can I buy a aftermarket cd hu and changer and keep the stock speakers? Or is that a wiring nightmare?

You could install an aftermarket HU with an aftermarket CD changer, but it would require completely rewiring everything

If I were you, I'd be looking for a CD changer-compatible Ford/JBL head unit, and a Ford CD changer. The factory take-outs on e-bay usually go fairly cheap.

I believe, with a Limited, the wiring for the changer may already be there in your truck. Check in the console area to see.


Yeah...like what Jeff said, you should check the console for a plug for the changer. If you have a plug already for the changer, you're better off buying one of those OEM changers from Ebay. In order to see the plug, you need to take your trip computer and cupholder out and you'll see it right where the tissue holder is...toward the driver's side. If you don't see a plug, you can get an aftermarket changer.

I went that route because I bought an OEM HU with changer controls and bought a Kenwood changer with an adapter. There's not a lot of wiring involved. You definitely need to take the rear quarter panel off to plug in the adapter and also you need to run the changer cable to the center console but that's the hardest part of the install. It's been about 3 years and it is still working very very well. Good luck!!

EDIT: An easier way to find out if you have the plug is to look at your HU. Does your Ford/JBL HU have changer controls?? If not, then you don't have the plug because mine came without and there wasn't any plugs in the console other than the phone connection.

Thanks for your help. I've decided to go with the stock changer and maybe upgrade the speakers.:D
