XLR Motorsports Chip - Yeah or Nay | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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XLR Motorsports Chip - Yeah or Nay


January 31, 2008
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1994 Eddie Bauer

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Oh where to start.
First off straight up NO.
It says it works for 1991-2008 explorers. Thats the first flag.
Second flag is that it is $8.99.
3rd flag is that it says its going to give you 70HP more and 70ft-lbs of torque. All that for 9 dollars.
4th flag is that it says it will improve your MPG by 20mpg. Aldive woulda saved a lot of money if he could have just bought this chip.

People pay 2 or 3k for a s/c or a turbo that gives them supposedly the same amount of power.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from it

Alllllrighty then.

Thanks for the tip fellas.

I feel like and idiot but I am glad I did not succumb to the mind tricks.

That's why we're here :thumbsup:

yeah wouldnt touch that thing

Dont ya think everybody and their sister would have one then!!?

thats pretty damn funny. I wonder how he has 98% feedback?
