Why Were They Called EXPLODERS? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Why Were They Called EXPLODERS?


Well-Known Member
November 21, 2008
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Redmond, OR
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94 4x4
93, 99 Bauer 4x4
OK, I'm falling into the ignorance and lost category, but I do'nt really know why Explorers used to be called Exploders?

Also, what was done to rectify the problems? Is there something I should do to my '94?

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Welcome To The Forum! Not sure if there is a deffinete answer to your question I know I used to call my old explorer an exploder just as a nick name. I know some 91's blew head gaskets but like I said don't know that theres an exact answer for that people probably have different reasons for it.

I've owned 4 Exploders ('93, '97, '00 and my current ride a '99). I wouldn't read too much into the nickname. I call mine an Exploder all the time. Ford-haters tend to relish that name. :D

Ford vehicles are still bursting into flames, often leaving little more than the frame. Some vehicles were covered by the recall and some were not.

In one of the biggest recalls of automotive history last September 2005, Ford warned almost four million owners of pick-up trucks and SUVs of possible fires. Ford Explorers should be on its lengthy recall list.

then urban dictionary
Ford Exploder ... Ford Explorer after many tire blow outs causing crashes and rollovers



Ford Explorers should be on its lengthy recall list.

then urban dictionary
Ford Exploder ... Ford Explorer after many tire blow outs causing crashes and rollovers

The recall relates to the cruise contol switch. Ford still does the required work for free. Assuming they have the parts in stock, it's a "while you wait" job.

Re: the infamous Firestone Wilderness A/T "scandal", I was happy because I got a new set of Michelins in the deal but NEVER felt nervous about having the Firestones. Completely overblown by the media just like most things in the US. :thumbdwn:

then urban dictionary
Ford Exploder ... Ford Explorer after many tire blow outs causing crashes and rollovers

So what do you figure made the tires blow? Over inflation/underinflation? Were they Firestones only?

Does the door placard show the correct size tire and inflation?

ALSO, I had thought the gas tank would explode. Is there something I should do to modify my vehicle to make itsafer from the early quirks?

Somebody gave me set of the Firestones during that ordeal...... I didn't have any problems and factoring in they didn't cost me a dime they could very well be the best set of tires Ive ever owned......lol

then urban dictionary
Ford Exploder ... Ford Explorer after many tire blow outs causing crashes and rollovers

So what do you figure made the tires blow? Over inflation/underinflation? Were they Firestones only?

Does the door placard show the correct size tire and inflation?

ALSO, I had thought the gas tank would explode. Is there something I should do to modify my vehicle to make itsafer from the early quirks?

What do you think would cause the gas tank to explode?

Just a nickname people give them, could be related to the firestone thing too.

Ford haters just LOVE to shout it out loud too.:rolleyes:

The gas tanks don't explode, the cruise control switches were known to overheat or spark even while the truck is turned off and cause the truck to catch fire and burn to the ground, I assume the name "exploder" came around because of the unexpected fires. Ford recalled this switch though which also included ford pick-ups, excursion, bronco, etc.. The tire that blew out and caused roll overs was a firestone tire produced back in the 90's, once it was discovered that this tired blew out firestone recalled the tire. It was only today that I pulled the spare out of my truck (i haven't had the truck on the road since i've owned it) and discovered it was one of these firestone tires, the tire looks brand new!!! It still has the "little rubber thingies" as I call them and there are no signs of wear on the treads. The rim is rusty but i filled the tire up with air and it seems to be holding fine, I am debating actually keeping that tire for my spare considering there is nothing wrong with it and it saves me the money of buying a new one. This was everything that I read by researching the internet, I don't believe that my truck is about to explode in flames, or rollover going down the highway, Explorers are awesome, I'll never get rid of mine!

ALSO, I had thought the gas tank would explode. Is there something I should do to modify my vehicle to make itsafer from the early quirks?

I've never heard of a gas tank issue in my 16 years of Exploder ownership.

The tire issue was more related to the fact Explorers far outsold any other SUV at the time and the media liked to blow it all out of proportion. ALL SUVs at the time were top heavy and susceptible to rolling. You want a good mod? Try aftermarket swaybars. The early years need front and rear replaced. Later years only the rear.

Don't read too much into thte "Exploder" thing. They're great vehicles and there is nothing to be paranoid about. Surf around this site. There are MANY people on the site that swear by them. I think this site gets more hits than just about any other automotive site I've ever seen.

at the time were top heavy and susceptible to rolling. You want a good mod? Try aftermarket swaybars. The early years need front and rear replaced. Later years only the rear.

Thanks for the info. I'll look into that one.

Any particular brand or design that deviates from OEM as you suggest?

Would also like to know if a wandering above 35mph can be corrected with an alignment. You correct your steering when it starts to wander and there is no response for a while, it just keeps going it's own merry way.I do have 3 dissimilar tires of varying tread design and depth (courtesy of the previous owner we just got it from). This will be changed as soon as we can get over the snow-clad mountains to where it is currently sitting, because it wasn't yet safe to bring over.

So, could the handling be that bad from alignment and tires only?


Maybe no one here actually had the Firestone failire? The recall was NOT due to tires "exploding", but to the treads coming off.

This actually happened to me, while doing about 75-80 mph in the left lane of an interstate highway with no where to go but right... managed to limp off the road, pissing off lots of other drivers in the process. I actually thought the tire exploded from the noise it made, and was shocked to see it still inflated when I got out to look at it. The tires had over 75,000 miles on them, so I figured I was due for new tires anyway. Bought 4 Michelins, and the recall came out about 6-9 months later. Wish they had just held up a bit longer...


haha the "exploder" is so common. Even people that dont have explorers call them that. I have actually seen a "Jay Leno Headline" where they miss-spelled explorer, and the ad actually said ford exploder. That was probably the first time i heard that... years ago. Perhaps that helped introduce the nickname. Friends of mine call my explorer "Dora"... (after the kids cartoon Dora the Explorer) kinda lame, but its starting to stick, unfortunately.

All I know is I am the 4th person in my family to drive our '94 Exploder. It's got 176000 miles on it, 90,000 of that was on those Firestone A/T tires. My family got a new set of tires, and my dad was disappointed they wouldn't give him the same ones that got recalled because they were good tires for us. Everyone in my family calls it "the Exploder". I have no idea why, but it is definitely not because we have had issues with it. I love my Exploder, and am hoping to get at least another 50,000 miles out of it!

Maybe no one here actually had the Firestone failure? The recall was NOT due to tires "exploding", but to the treads coming off.

This actually happened to me, while doing about 75-80 mph in the left lane of an interstate highway with no where to go but right... managed to limp off the road, pissing off lots of other drivers in the process. I actually thought the tire exploded from the noise it made, and was shocked to see it still inflated when I got out to look at it. The tires had over 75,000 miles on them, so I figured I was due for new tires anyway. Bought 4 Michelins, and the recall came out about 6-9 months later. Wish they had just held up a bit longer...


So it seems the tires didn't blow apart, just eject their tread like a saturn booster rocket. This could cause one to overcompensate from surprise or whatever due to the change in steering and voila! you are flipped over! Could happen in any vehicle.

Thanks gentlemen. Glad to have the Canadian input, I graduated from Sr. Sec. in N. Van, BC.

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Lots of other vehicles have derogitory nicknames;

Mercury Mistake (Mystique)
Rustang, Pustang (Mustang)
Chevy Crapalier (they really are)
Pontiac Stunfire (Sunfire)
Pontiac Aztec (not really a derogatory name, just about the butt ugliest vehicle ever made)

I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the Exploder nickname, we have called both of ours that and to date no calamaties.
