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July 18, 2018
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2002 Ford Explorer Sport
Does any of the Ford gurus on here know how to get the THEFT light to go out?? No matter what I do this light blinks continuously. Is this supposed to be or can this light be turned off somehow?? Thanks....

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Does any of the Ford gurus on here know how to get the THEFT light to go out?? No matter what I do this light blinks continuously. Is this supposed to be or can this light be turned off somehow?? Thanks....

Blinking THEFT light is normal. It blinks about every 2 seconds. I suppose the idea is that it's a theft deterrent to a would-be thief. There is no way to turn it off.

When the THEFT light blinks quickly when you try to start the engine you have a problem with your passive anti theft system (PATS).

Thanks koda2000, new to the Ford world...that light is just a little irritating but I get it now...

koda2000, I am having another problem with this Ford. The key/ignition lock cylinder will not let me go into the ACC position. I've tried all the tricks people have suggested, like wd40, jiggle the key, etc. Is there a way to remedy this without drilling out the cylinder???

Does any of the Ford gurus on here know how to get the THEFT light to go out?? No matter what I do this light blinks continuously. Is this supposed to be or can this light be turned off somehow?? Thanks....
Just pull the bulb out.

Just pull the bulb out.

You could, but if you do you won't know why your engine wont start if you ever have a PATS problem. Easier to just ignore it. I never give mine a second thought and if your watching it while driving you'd do better to keep your eyes on the road.

You could, but if you do you won't know why your engine wont start if you ever have a PATS problem. Easier to just ignore it. I never give mine a second thought and if your watching it while driving you'd do better to keep your eyes on the road.
The light shouldn’t blink when the motor is running.....

koda2000, I am having another problem with this Ford. The key/ignition lock cylinder will not let me go into the ACC position. I've tried all the tricks people have suggested, like wd40, jiggle the key, etc. Is there a way to remedy this without drilling out the cylinder???
There is no acc position I am aware of.

Place a small piece of electricity tape over it. Hide or cover it.

I didn’t think my Mounty had a backwards click.

My book says there is one on page 76, however,my truck says no backwards acc click. I know for a fact I have a genuine ford ignition lock.

My book says there is one on page 76, however,my truck says no backwards acc click. I know for a fact I have a genuine ford ignition lock.

Every Expl/Mountaineer we've owned has it (1997-2001) and for that matter, every vehicle I've ever owned has worked this way. Have you tried pushing in the key before turning it? I can't honestly say that that I recall having to do this, but it's not a consensus thing I do. I'll try to remember to take notice next time I get in one. In this position the radio, windows work and the wipers. I don't recall if anything else works that doesn't work in OFF.

My 2001 Explorer and 2000 Mountaineer's radio and windows will continue to work when you turn the key OFF until you open the door, but on my 2001 ST you have to turn the key to ACC to have the radio, wipers and windows work. I've always found it strange that the ST is different, but there's a bunch of little stuff on the ST that's different.

Tried my trucks today. No pushing in required, just turn the key one click counter-clockwise to ACC.

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