Broken 8.8" axles anyone??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Broken 8.8" axles anyone???


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
Has anyone here ever busted a stock axle shaft in their 8.8"? In all the years we've been here I just can't seem to remember even one.


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I've never seen one of them break in an Explorer when it wasn't caused by an accident.

I remember seeing a video of you Rick snap an axle on "El Hill" Los Coyotes. I thought that was a stock 8.8 shaft.

I broke a stock axle in my black truck trying to climb up a shelf, it was dusty and my wheel found some traction, and just popped it. I heard it go, but didn't know what it was till i pulled out onto the trail and my wheel was three inches out from the fenderwell....

I sell a ton of them so I'm sure it's a pretty common problem. They are strong but everything breaks. More jeeps break than anything though THAT I can tell you.

I roached a locker and rear driveshaft but never have had a problem with an 8.8 shaft. I agree, they seem to hold up well. Jason, you got pics of where yours let loose? I have heard of guys who paint line down the shaft, then when they service the rear end they can examine if there has been any twisting of the shaft showing wear. Anyone heard that one before?

I remember seeing a video of you Rick snap an axle on "El Hill" Los Coyotes. I thought that was a stock 8.8 shaft.

U-joint, not an axle.

I sell a ton of them so I'm sure it's a pretty common problem. They are strong but everything breaks. More jeeps break than anything though THAT I can tell you.

Are you sure they are being replaced from being broke and not bent, or have messed up bearing surfaces? Or are you selling them to the Mustang guys who are using them with slicks?

I have heard of Mustangs busting axles, but that's a completely different environment than fourwheeling.

have heard of guys who paint line down the shaft, then when they service the rear end they can examine if there has been any twisting of the shaft showing wear. Anyone heard that one before?
I have heard of this but 99% of the time, the twisting (or breakage) will always be at, or right next to the splines because thats where the axle shaft has the smallest diameter (I dont think the 8.8's shafts 'necks down' anywhere else on its length except at this point).

Somewhat similar is the stock D44 front axle shaft, 99% of the time it will break at the "V" groove (or notch) right next to the splines.

(8.8 shaft on the left)

Are you sure they are being replaced from being broke and not bent, or have messed up bearing surfaces? Or are you selling them to the Mustang guys who are using them with slicks?

I have heard of Mustangs busting axles, but that's a completely different environment than fourwheeling.

Mustang axles are dog sellers..can't give them away. I'd say a majority of the axles being sold are going to Rangers rather than Explorers. Could just be bent..true. I don't usually ask what happened w/ their old one unless I know the guy.

Ahh ha! Rangers are only 28 spline axles:D Explorers got the beef:D

I once blew a 31 spline ARB to smithereens (which then stripped all the splines off the shaft), but no actual broken or snapped shafts.

BTW, Rangers are 28 spline, although even on these you don't really hear about a lot of failures (not like you do with D35 Jeep rears).

The bearing surfaces wear out before anything else happens to them. I have broken a 9" axle before, in a 72 Gran Torino. It broke coming off of an interstate on the off ramp just before the stop. The car was high mileage and had had the axle bearing replaced many times. The bearing pocket in the housing must not have been square from a past failure, thus fatigue. Night,

no breakage of 8.8s that I've seen.
wow even the guys running 37s are not busting them up?

Maybe those broken 8.8 shafts are from f150s and broncos with 8.8 because of the added weight and larger engines?
