2nd Gen. Heater Core WTF now??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd Gen. Heater Core WTF now???


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
Looks like my heater core is taking a leak on the driveway---I have a drip, not a lot but enough that it is a connected stream--right from the evaporator shield area.
It could be the fittings-hoses, but didn't look that way---
Can I change this from under the hood?

Removing dash could take a minute---oh my guage pods--

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Well, I have been scouring,
No good advice, just a bunch of fools like me *****ing about how difficult it is.

It and I are both cooling off right now---looks like an all nighter--

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Right now, I'm off for a bottle of Tequilla.

Let's say I need my truck, and cannot risk it being incomplete.
How long should I allow for this, and, are there any parts I might want to have on hand?? Anything in there that breaks?

Looks like between now and the 27th, I will NEED this truck on the road daily. No getting around it. I plan on bypassing the heater core, just as a temporary fix until I can attack it after Christmas. I hope the weather stays above freezing---

Dan Whitaker, why did you make me talk about my heater!!!!!!

Get a pressure tester from AutoZone as a loaner, and see if it's really from the heater core, hose or fitting.

1 step ahead of ya!
It is definitely the heater core :mad: :mad: :mad:

I have it disconnected now--hoses are fine.
I think I feel the driver side nipple on the heater core wiggling like a loose tooth---
Tomorrow I will pressure test it, and run it up to temperature with the core bypassed.

jon i know this isnt what you wan tto hear but the dash must come out, and while ou have it out replace the case, becasue the blend doors like to break and i know as soon as you put it together itll break. but the good news is that m fastest time on a explorer heater box is 6 hours from start to finish, that includes evac and rechargeing the A/c, the 3 bolts in the enging bay suck, but you dont have to take the dash out of the car, un hook all the harnesses on the passenger kick, but dont worry about the drivers side, after you take the coloum and center console out and get the dash loose just swing it away from the heater box and rest it on your seat, and you can easily access the box and save about 2 hours of work.

that is actually one of the jobs i enjoy doing, you bring me out there for a weekend jon ill do it for ya, i need a vacation

that is actually one of the jobs i enjoy doing, you bring me out there for a weekend jon ill do it for ya, i need a vacation

You know what? I just might.

Thanks for the tip--I am just intimidated because I haven't done this repair since my 84 Mustang did this, in 1986. What really irks me is doing all this work, and no improvements. There are no mods to do in there, and if there were I couldn't afford it right now. I don't mind doing a lot of work, but it feels better when there is an improvement. This is all just to get it back to normal. :mad:
I have no choice, I have to put this off until the 26th at earliest. I will have to take frequent breaks, so it will take me awhile.

I think I would rather pull my engine out.

lol, i know what you mean about not doing something with out any gains, thats why my truck is primered still, i feel that way about paint, but like i said i have no prob helpin out

JT, did you ever manage to fix this? I believe i have the same problem on my 99 5.0 AWD mountaineer. A little over a month I’ve been loosing coolant. This morning i started the car up and put on the heat full blast i went in the house and came out 5 min later i notes light smoke from under the engine. I looked under and noticed coolant evaporating from the first cat converter the one that connects to the down pie. I couldn't tell where it's leaking from but due to it proximity i am guessing it is dripping from the heater core drain pipe. I drove the car for two miles to work with the heat off when i parked i turned on the heat full blast but didn't see any leak. There is still coolant in my reservoir. I am keeping my fingers crossed it's the heater core. I have next week off and I will try to investigate further. Does this scenario sound like yours? If we can help each other out that would be great.


JT, did you ever manage to fix this? I believe i have the same problem on my 99 5.0 AWD mountaineer. A little over a month I’ve been loosing coolant. This morning i started the car up and put on the heat full blast i went in the house and came out 5 min later i notes light smoke from under the engine. I looked under and noticed coolant evaporating from the first cat converter the one that connects to the down pie. I couldn't tell where it's leaking from but due to it proximity i am guessing it is dripping from the heater core drain pipe. I drove the car for two miles to work with the heat off when i parked i turned on the heat full blast but didn't see any leak. There is still coolant in my reservoir. I am keeping my fingers crossed it's the heater core. I have next week off and I will try to investigate further. Does this scenario sound like yours? If we can help each other out that would be great.


I have my heater core eliminated temporarily--and have driven the truck.

Here is what you do. Look for the coolant bypass --heater bypass valve. Disconnect both hoses from the metal crossover pipe at rear of engine--use the curved hose, clamp it to both metal crosover tubes. Now fill coolant, and check for leaks.
Double check the coolant bypass valve--they can leak also and it might drip into the same area.

I myself am needing to wait until next week to pull the dash----brrr

Thanks for the quick response it will do a temp by pass and see what happens. I have a ford shop manual on CD FOR MY 99 MOUNTINEER among other vehicle and a Haynes manual i am hoping one of these will supply the info to remove the heater core. The CD has step by step tear down instructions. I will look into instructions for removing heater core tonight. It appears we will both have the time to investigate this next week, i can start investigating as early as SAT. I am sure there is a way to get it out without taking apart the dash. I will keep you posted.

Darn it appears we are up for a challenge. I have to get this done. i know how i will be spending my christmas eve.

Thank YOU.. Give me a hollar if i can be of assistance anytime.

BTW how are you liking your mountie otherwise?

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Darn it appears we are up for a challenge. I have to get this done. i know how i will be spending my christmas eve.

Thank YOU.. Give me a hollar if i can be of assistance anytime.

BTW how are you liking your mountie otherwise?

You do the same

I love my truck---I hope to keep it forever. It will never be finished.
