Canon Customer Service | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Canon Customer Service


Human-Animal Hybrid
July 22, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Carmichael, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Sport 4x4
Just wanted to tell others about the great customer service that I received from Canon:

I bought a Canon S1 IS camera back in August 2004. It always worked great and I have taken 1000's of photos with it (I literally took over 1100 photos with it when we went to New Zealand in Oct 2004).

In December, I grabbed it to take some photos when I replaced the EPC solenoid in my Explorer and found out that all of the photos were washed out with horizontal bands across the photos. Tried different memory cards with the same result.

I went online and found out that there was an issue with the imaging chip for my camera (and many others). The chip (made by Sony) is affected by humidity and eventually will degrade causing the malfunction.

I emailed Canon and asked whether my camera was included in the service campaign. They got back to me within a day and told me to send the camera back at their expense. They sent a prepaid UPS label and I sent the camera back. I tracked the camera and found that they got it last Monday. On Tuesday they sent me an email telling me they would repair my camera for no charge and would send it back within 5 to 7 working days.

Today I received a package from Canon, but instead of my 3.5 year old camera, they sent a New (in the box) S5 IS camera to replace my S1 IS.

So to sum up, they responded quickly, they kept me informed and they replaced my 3.5 year old camera with a brand new one.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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Well, I'm definitely not throwing away my S3! It still works like a champ.

Well, I'm definitely not throwing away my S3! It still works like a champ.

I still used my S1 even though I bought a Rebel XTi last year. The S3 is an improved version of the S1.

The S5 is like the S1 on steroids. :D

I had the same (or similar) CCD problem with my Nikon 5700. It took them 2 attempts (first attempt caused the power supply to blow when I got it back), but they fixed it quick, and got it back to me. They didn't upgrade me though. That's pretty sweet!
