HF now sells Badlands Winches for offroad | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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HF now sells Badlands Winches for offroad


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
..Anyone know anything about these??

..I'm suspecting they are another import product from reading between the lines of their info but I could be wrong..:dunno:

..I just received their news letter and they say they have atv winch's from 200-5000 pounds and offroad winch's from 6000 to 12,000 pounds with Lifetime warranty..

..In no way am I saying to buy one..just sharing something that just hit the market and may be able to detour people from buying it if it's junk..;)


..If you find any other info on their new winches please post them up.. I'm curious if they tested them against other name brand winches..:scratch:

..Looking at HF's site they cost more than the one Turdle found..His Recon winch info can be found here..;)

HF notice which is showing up on other forums but yet to find any reviews..


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see these the other day on their website but says there on backorder when i looked :dunno:

.. Seems these winch's are the talk right now on the hardcore offroad forums but everyone is waiting for a guinea pig..:dunno:

I think Ill stick with the proven Smittybilt. Still cheaper then that one and its proven to work and there customer service is great if anything happens to it.

...:scratch:..They go on sale plus add another 20% off coupon and they may be worth it to someone looking for an inexpensive winch...

...Someone posted on another Forum , I think it was the 9000# for like $325 out the door..

Still not as cheap as a Smittybilt. I see them regularly for $279 to your door. Granted its a 8000# and not 9000# but not much of a difference.:D

<------ Guinea Pig.

I think we're going to jump on this. Still need to build a proper bumper, but it'll be nice to be able to fully customize the bumper to fit the winch. :)

..Curious why you chose the HF model over other brands?

..But looking forward to hearing about your experience with this model..:biggthump

Price, location and no poor reviews, which may or may not be a good thing. Warns were ideal, but even used we couldn't find a decent deal and there's too much jabber back and forth about Smittybilt. Looked at Turdle's and felt like overkill with that large of a winch or the synth line. And it's something new. Harbor Freight hasn't done us wrong before, and I'd expect the return policy to be pretty good (although I'll admit I haven't looked into it.)

Caution: It may be quite a while before I do a proper write-up.
I should add usage should be very light to light. Ideally it'll just sit pretty in the bumper and have no use at all. Snow being the number one contender. We play in the mud once or twice a year, just enough to put a coat on her so I guess in my review I'll mention how it does with the silty stuff.

..If your write up is anything like your answer, it will be an exceptional one..:biggthump

...Anxious to hear your experience with it from the date of purchase on...It sounds like it might just be perfect for your needs..

Yep, she's in my possession.
Didn't come with a cover, snatch block or tree saver but that's fine.
Have to finish up the current projects I've already taken on before digging into this bad boy. Fingers crossed for smooth moving projects.

The Unboxing:


Four Wheeler Magazine has a pretty good winch comparison and test article in the July issue I believe. Their HF winch was DOA so it didnt get tested with the others which is too bad as I was looking forward to see how it stacked up. It did score pretty good in the static categories.

Im not in the market for a winch but I am going to keep my eyes on this thread for your review :thumbsup:

I just picked one of these up, they have a online printable coupon for $120 off. Mine came to 330 with a 50 dollar 2 year warranty.

Good deal!

For the record ours is still in the box. We were in the middle of a tranny build when family stuff came up, hope to be back on track soon.

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Didnt even see this thread. So far It works fine. I got it with a 120 dollar off coupon which made me spring for it.
