1979 Mustang Ghia coupe Resto Log | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1979 Mustang Ghia coupe Resto Log

Thank's everyone!! :)

I will have to put Junior's car back on hold for a few days as I have a paying customer's 1984.5 GT350 Vert that showed up for some work to be done to it.


But rest assured I will keep you posted with more pictures and such as I jump back on this and make more headway with this lil project!

You know, gotta do something pay those bills :(

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Since 1979, the Fox platform has evolved with numerous engine and transmission options, and because of this the transmission crossmember also had to be changed, not only is it narrower than the later Foxes, but it sit further forward than it does on the later cars.

Because of this I will either cut some out of another car and weld then in using an adjustable Ford Motorsport trans crossmember, or cut, re-weld the original mount for relocation:


Had to do some reconnaissance at the salvage yard for a customer doing a Fox five lug swap, so while I was there I took my cordless sawzall and snatched the two transmission crossmember mounts I needed to further along this conversion.

$2 to get in, $10 for the mounts, and now all I have to do is remove them from the piece of floor pan they are attached to:





not bad, not bad, i just bought one of these cars, and i have some big plans for it to, mine already has a 302 with a 4-speed, need to re-do the interior, have to find a dash, but the first thing im puttin in is subframe connectors, mines a 79 ghia hatchback, and has the newer front end on it from the mid 80's cars, looks good, mines all in primer now but i plan to paint it burnt orange with black racing stripes, and eventually when im done with college im gonna make that 302 a 347 stroker with aluminum heads intake and whatnot, it'll definately be a cruiser

so how much for the C5 bell housing? :p:

trade you for a 302 one? :D
