1992 4.0 starting issues... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1992 4.0 starting issues...


Well-Known Member
December 8, 2004
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1992 Ford Explorer XLT
I have 1992 explorer, just started doing some **** with the starting...When I turn the key it will crank for about 5 seconds, then start, and it doesnt start easy, sometimes, giving it some gas, when lettin off the key helps, the starter in it is new, has gas, fuel filter changed, thats about it recntly...anyone have a clue? also sometime when shifted in reverse it tries to die, but it doesnt, new tranny in it too...


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1st couple of things I would do with this kind of thing, clean IAC and check fuel pressure, especially at the time the problem is occurring.

IAC sensor, where is that located, and the fuel pressure how can that be checked? The gas gauge is shot...so I cant tell how much, but I fill up every 200 miles...what does everyone else get for mpg, I just have 31's....kinda newbish to engines..lol Thanks!

mine does that too i just give it some gas and she stays goin

i get 263 MPT

The IAC is located on the top of the intake manifold near the throttle body section (part with the butterfly opening disk when you step on the accelerator pedal). You need a fuel pressure gauge to check the pressure. This attaches to the fuel port on the fuel rail. The gauge on the dashboard is only for the level of gasoline in the tank.

Have you checked your vacuum lines for leaks or for ATF fluid?

Maybe I am a moron, I dont know, but what the heck does the ATF fluid lines have to do with the explorer not starting easy? Could it also be a spark plug issue?

Maybe I am a moron, I dont know, but what the heck does the ATF fluid lines have to do with the explorer not starting easy? Could it also be a spark plug issue?
A leaking modulator valve will allow trans fluid to get sucked into the intake-via the vacuum lines--FYI

MMk, , still dont see how that would affect the starting and since there is no fluid of any sort in the intake, I dont think that is my issue, thanks for the help though.
