1998 Explorer 5.0 “Restoration2021” project | Page 31 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer 5.0 “Restoration2021” project

I agree with you.

I'm not upset about doing any of this work. Thankfully the water pump is a pretty simple job, as is the balancer. I keep in mind that this EX has 260,000 miles on it. Just needs some love here and there. She drove it a year so far with no issues in between. So I think that is good. Only big thing I haven't done yet is service the trans. Which will be soon I hope.

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I'm happy for you that the WP bolts weren't a big problem the first time IIRC, that's the big hell of working on any Windsor SBF these days. The upper intake bolts you have also seen the corrosion/seizing, that's a shame that old age creates that. Besides those odd issues, older Fords are fairly easy to deal with.

You remind me too, I have been using my current 98 since I bought it, and haven't touched the trans. I have to make space on flat driveway to work on that, I've been stuck for over two years not having that. I've always stayed ahead of transmission issues with VB work etc, I'm ashamed to let this one go so long. I'm impressed with it, I hammer it all day long, but I feel for it.

When I did the water pump in 2021 the previous owner had broken off one of the long ones and covered it with RTV. I pulled the timing cover and worked the broken bolt out that way. As for the trans I have a lift. But I'm making my daughter pay for these parts for her repairs. So she is saving up trans parts money. I need to replace the rear housing gasket. I will also remove the valve body and J mod it. When I do that I like to replace the reverse servo and the OD servo for good measure. Adds some life back into a trans.

Alright success! No more puking water pump. New balancer is a winner. Engine is silky smooth once again. A joy to drive. And I made sure the AC is ready for summer. Ice cold! 4 days of effort. But we are good now! Next stop, replace the rack and pinion...again.

Ok. Ill through this out for the group. One thing that has happened with the Ex since the recent work. Is that the temp guage won't read over the C. Never did this before. Obviously I disturbed plenty of things doing the intake gaskets. But the guage operated normally immediately before the repair. Once I noticed this I replaced the connectors on both the temp sensors. But it is still the same. Anyone seen anything like this?

I have that now with my white 98, but I think mine is the thermostat. My heat temps have been cool since I noticed the gauge showing cold. Yours might be something else like the sensors or connectors you thought of. The thermostats are very fragile and one does malfunction rarely when it is new or not that old. Mine I also think was a FailSafe, which will lock open if it over heats(who knows, I might have not noticed it if it did for some odd reason). Mine began that gauge issue about one year ago, it did it in early 2022. I've been planning to R&R the thermostat again.

Ok. Ill through this out for the group. One thing that has happened with the Ex since the recent work. Is that the temp guage won't read over the C. Never did this before. Obviously I disturbed plenty of things doing the intake gaskets. But the guage operated normally immediately before the repair. Once I noticed this I replaced the connectors on both the temp sensors. But it is still the same. Anyone seen anything like this?
Do you have a scan tool that reads real time data so you can see what the computer is seeing? Might help narrow things down.

I have that now with my white 98, but I think mine is the thermostat. My heat temps have been cool since I noticed the gauge showing cold. Yours might be something else like the sensors or connectors you thought of. The thermostats are very fragile and one does malfunction rarely when it is new or not that old. Mine I also think was a FailSafe, which will lock open if it over heats(who knows, I might have not noticed it if it did for some odd reason). Mine began that gauge issue about one year ago, it did it in early 2022. I've been planning to R&R the thermostat again.
I did replace the year old thermostat just for good measure.

Do you have a scan tool that reads real time data so you can see what the computer is seeing? Might help narrow things down.
I'll put the scanner on it tomorrow. Keep in mind that the computer looks at the temp from the sensor near the thermostat and the guage runs off the one one the driver side of the manifold.

Speaking of screw clamps. One of the clamps on the lower radiator hose between the water pump and the oil cooler got tweaked just enough to cause a leak that looked like a water fountain. Luckily my daughter saw the puddle before she took off to drive back across town. So I had to drive 25 min to replace a $1.00 clamp that is a year old...

But better than overheating the engine!

You need the $2 clamp! Made in USA

resell it for 2.50 or soon enough itll be 3 ;)

The EX is going in for a brand new set of tires today. We put some used tires on at the beginning to get her going. One of them blew out a week ago. So my daughter is switching out the old ones. I'll post up pics when she is done.

Also I suggest trying these shocks for the back
They will fix the rear sag and they feel great to
do agree they feel great under load, but in my experience unloaded at 1/4 tank it felt liek empty truck bed a bit too stiff and bouncy for me liking. imo i liked the air shocks since i could adjust them and shackles worked too, the normal 153s might be a bit too tall if you dont want to TT to level, but the YJ warrior shackles will work to give it about 1/2" bit i think and then the air shocks worked for the slight adjustments in my experience.

I just installed those exact tires Are yours noisy little road noise
What psi are you running
It says on the side where they were made
Mine were made in Canada

Also I suggest trying these shocks for the back
They will fix the rear sag and they feel great to
Amazon product ASIN B000C53RXK
I'll have to check. She bought the tires without me. We discussed the actual tire, But I wasn't there. I haven't driven it yet. I'll get the answers you seek. But I'll need a day.

I just installed those exact tires Are yours noisy little road noise
What psi are you running
It says on the side where they were made
Mine were made in Canada

Also I suggest trying these shocks for the back
They will fix the rear sag and they feel great to
Amazon product ASIN B000C53RXK
Also, I don't actually see any shocks if you posted a picture or link. ??

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