convert ST to 4wd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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convert ST to 4wd


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Irmo, South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport Trac
hey guys, this has been on my mind since i left the junk yard. well... i have an 01 2wd st. and i saw some old 4x4 explorers in the junk yard...R.I.P... and i thought, what all do i gotta do to make my st into a 4x4? so thats what im asking. what all will i have to do to make this happen?

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I recently did mine using:

98 Mountineer 4wd hubs
04 Ranger 4wd Spindles (for 12inch rotors)
05 Sport Trac 4wd Rotors (new ford parts)
04 Ranger 4wd CV Axles (one was new, other used)
97 Explorer front axle with matching gears
86 Bronco II Borg 1350M
03 Extended Cab Ranger 4wd Rear Driveshaft
86 Bronco II front driveshaft (shortened 1.5 inchs)
04 ranger 4wd tranny (I rebuilt mine first using a 4wd extension housing and shaft, but that didnt come out well)

The control arms (upper and lowers) and shocks were left stock.

The axle 3rd mount was already on my truck, but I have the improper length arm on the diff, so my dad welded on a temp mount until I can afford the 200 part new from ford.








I also haven't finished the interior, I had to lost my full length console




dang yall had a lot of work didnt ya. was it a 2 man job? how long did it take?

I did it all on jackstands in my parent's basement, with basic air tools

wow thats awesome. how long did it take you? roughly how much did it cost you for this project?

wow thats awesome. how long did it take you? roughly how much did it cost you for this project?

its hard to say

98 Mountineer 4wd hubs----Traded parts
04 Ranger 4wd Spindles (for 12inch rotors)---40 bucks
05 Sport Trac 4wd Rotors (new ford parts)---Freebie!
04 Ranger 4wd CV Axles (one was new, other used)---Traded Parts, New one was 79.99
97 Explorer front axle with matching gears---150.00
86 Bronco II Borg 1350M---Freebie
03 Extended Cab Ranger 4wd Rear Driveshaft---Traded Parts
86 Bronco II front driveshaft (shortened 1.5 inchs)--Free shaft, 60 to shorten
04 ranger 4wd tranny (I rebuilt mine first using a 4wd extension housing and shaft, but that didnt come out well)---500.00

I also picked the parts up over a period of a year, so the money wasnt bad

Took maybe 3 months to finish, but that was because id work on it 1 day a week while pulling 58+ hours at work

Damn brother that is friggin awesome. I hope it all gells and works out for you. :salute:
