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1994 xl front seats question --center consoles


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January 22, 2007
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Soooo... my gf got a 1994 explorer xl just the other day, we dont know anything about the car so when it seemed to be missing a part of the center console i decided to take the initiative to go and buy her one from here. I did and now i think im screwed because after washing her car today i noticed the differences between what i bought and what the car currently has.

here is the center console i bought:

and here is a picture of my gfs center console:

that white cloth string around it is to hold the lid down cause it wont stay closed.
im worried because in my gfs explorer has what seems to be a middle seat where the center console should go -- whats worse is that there seems to be a piece missing between the "middle seat" and the arm rest [that needs a string to be tied down and closed] --notice the gap between the two..

what the heck do i have to do here? i just spent 80 bucks on a center console that i dont even think i can install :(

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I don't really know if the two center consoles are interchangeable, but if it is the wrong one, you can post it on e'bay to possibly recover some or all of the cost , and along the same line of logic, you can probably find the right one on e'bay or at a pulling yard.
Good luck!

thanks for the repl, but the thinkg is ive looked all over .. searched this forum, googled, and checked ebay, i cant find an explorer that has the same center as my gfs explorer.. anyone else on here have a 94 xl thgat can share some pictures ???????

XL's did come with front seats like that. I have seen a few. They are rare. You only have a few options. Find an exact replacement, live with it, or get a set of 2 buckets seats that match.

In order to use the regular console that you have bough, you will need all of the brackets that attach the console to the floor(front and rear) and a driver bucket seat. I have no idea if all of the necessary holes are there to swap the two.

Looks like you were lucky and got the bench seat ;) Wait, not lucky that is :p

Hey everybody, thanks for all your replys, it all explains a lot. So its a rare "bench seat equipped explorer" or a ranger front seat swap...

does anyone know what the missing part is though? [note the gap between the arm rest and bench seat] im pretty sure something is missing because the arm rest thing currently just sags. if needed, i could take better pictures. if anyone has pictures of an early 90s ranger's bench seat and arm rest, that would be sweet ....

stupid bench seat!

I'm pretty sure that gap is normal from what I have seen.

thats a 3/4 bench seat mostly found in rangers its not missing any thing go to www.lmc.com they might have it if not look for it under ford ranger console i know they still make them the new rangers have the same set up. where did u find that other console at

the sagging comes from people putting to much weight on it

i found the other console from a member here on this site. thanks for the info khoward

I have a '93 with the exact same seat, and the gap is where the rear of the console storage box fits in when folded upright. My lid used to drop open whenever I put it upright but the latch has started working again (wtf). I have been thinking of swapping out the bench for a pair of buckets, maybe Mazda, 'cause the left side of the drivers seat is quite worn out. The Mazda seats may have a better chance of bolting in on existing hardware. Don't know yet though, haven't started looking.

hey spook, do you think you could post some pics of your front bench seats, specifically your "gap" between the arm rest and seat? that would be a lot of help. you could post here or email me them at sofawaters@yahoo.com

That bring back's memories. My dad had a bench seated 94. It looks normal, except that it's not going down all the way. I'd check the bracketry to see why it isn't rotating all the way down. Def. keep those seats, they are cool, unique, and you can fit 5 wasted friends in them, before piling people in the back.

That bring back's memories. My dad had a bench seated 94. It looks normal, except that it's not going down all the way. I'd check the bracketry to see why it isn't rotating all the way down. Def. keep those seats, they are cool, unique, and you can fit 5 wasted friends in them, before piling people in the back.

lol, i think theyre pretty cool too man, it goes down all the way, the way it was positioned when i took the picture is why it looks that way. I think the "bracketry" is loose--which causes the arm rest thing to just hang from the driver seat weirdly. i think i should take some more detailed pictures and let everyone know what im really talking about.

Just change the seats. Much better look and then you can use the console you bought.

hey spook, do you think you could post some pics of your front bench seats, specifically your "gap" between the arm rest and seat? that would be a lot of help. you could post here or email me them at sofawaters@yahoo.com

When the sun comes up tomorrow, or sometime thereafter, I'll take some pics. There should be a center seat belt for the middle position, probably laying on your rear seat heater duct.

I have a 93' Explorer with that same seat combo. The arm rest is the same way and won't stay closed (have a string around it also). I am looking to get power bucket seats to replace the fronts and will then get a center console.

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