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2000 Mercury Mountaineer AWD

$21,500??? Wow. Do you pay 5 bucks for a gallon of milk too? That's crazy. If you're willing to travel, you could get a vintage Bronco AND a 70's Corvette for that kind of money.

Good luck in your quest. Hope it all goes well from here.

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DC, they "own it" for $17,800? Unless he himself got screwed on the trade, I don't see how thats possible. The blue book private party value is $17,800, the trade in is $14,500 and its HARD to get somebody to even give you fair trade in value on any trade, let alone an Explorer. The closest I ever got anyone up to was $2,000 less than blue book trade on my Explorer. If this is the case, give me this guy's address, and I'll drive to Montana to let him buy my Explorer!

I say if he calls back, you take the kelly blue book printout (regardless of what he says its an industry standard) with him, and ask him to explain it to you.

One thing makes no sense, if they own it for $17,800 then he's making no profit on the sale, and being a salesman myself (I dont sell cars) its hard to get so excited about a sale in which you earn nothing, especially if you honestly think you can turn around and make thousands and thousands more with a different customer. If you were a woman and this were the case, I'd tell you he's looking for something a little more ;)

Somethings not right with this guy.

Do you have any Carmaxes around?

It is fairly common for a sales manager to put too much into a trade-in, sometimes because he is selling a model that is 500 days old, or something like that, they look at days on the lot, manager looks bad if he has a bunch of cars that have been on the lot a LOT of days..... Also, just because he put TOO MUCH into a trade, how is that supposed to be YOUR problem???? He is just trying to psych you out.... Don't let him, if he needs to get rid of it, he will take a reasonable offer....

Also, maybe they did put $17,800 into the trade, ON PAPER, but the vehicle they sold to the trader-in was sold for sticker or above....maybe it was somebody they were confident they were going to make a few points on in the f&i department (Finance is the place people REALLY get took on car deals....ALWAYS arrange financing away from the dealer, get the best deal at your bank, credit union, etc.....then if the dealer will MATCH or BEAT them, (rate-wise) then let them have your finance business......
James Jensen (ex-car salesman)

Originally posted by DC Larson
Hi Guys,

I appreciate the feedback Frank. I have found in my life that sometimes what I need is a knot in the head to get me to wake up and smell the rubber burnin!

Thanks Again!

Thanks. Some people are waaay too touchy (James t) I worry that offend......


If the O/A'd (over allowed) on the X in a trade, I promise you that they took te difference between BELOW wholesale bluebook (what they would normally give)and the supposed $17k that they gave him and added it to the knucklehead's new car payment. I can come up with any kind of spreadsheet that proves any amount of info you want...but it wont be right. How would you know?

Congrats on not getting emotional. That was always the push - get 'em worked up about the new ride, and they'll loose good judgement - especially with new cars and that "new car smell"

Some friend huh?

Hey Guys,

Nope, we don't have any Carmaxes around. Don't even know what they are.

And thats what I told my wife, if they have that much, $17,800, in that trade-in, why is that my problem? Thats what I was wondering about, Frank, the way they deal with trade-ins. They might have gave a guy that much on trade for a new Superduty or something, but that don't make no difference to me.

I left him Monday nite afterwork, didn't here from him Tuesday, called me last nite. And I said, "fact is like I told ya....I have only $16,000 to spend."

He says,....I'll give ya $2000 for your Jeep (Cherokee, base model no air lotta miles, but great shape if detailed I'm hoping to get $3k), 18K - 2k = 16k...."Were in there!"

It's like he thinks I can't add! We just moved here(from a small town to a city) and I wanted to say that I don't want my kids going to the same school he did!

He said, talk it over with the wife and call me back. I said, sure but sell it if ya get he chance.....I'm in no hurry.

And the best part is, my wife ran into his wife while picking kids up at school. She's trying to sell my wife! Saying stuff like....."just buy it if you like it....whats $3,000 to you guys"...and kinda went on about it I guess. My wife didn't like that at all. I had previously offered $15k.

Milk is $3.89 and higher in Montana and "controlled" like liquer and smokes. A grocery store tried to have a sale on milk once and got shut down. So things are different here.(Unabomber, The Freemen, Tree Huggers)

They dont sound like they are actually your friend. Seems like they just want your money. One thing i have learned in life. Friends and family should NEVER be involved in any type of buisness transaction. Money is the root of all evil and can break longtime friendships and families apart. I have been there and done that and am involved in a long time feud right now because of money.

Lets say you buy this car from them and then all of a sudden this thing turns out to be a piece of $hit and breaks down every other day. Then your going to be angry that you got ripped off and they will laugh all the way to the bank.

Keep the friendship and do not do buisness with friends especially when that much money is involved and also when your being pressured like that.

Yeah screw those guys anyway. He sounds like the worst kind of typical car salesman. He's even usinf his wife to psych you out.

My advice, tell this guy bottom line, $16,000 take it or leave it. If he leaves it then just walk. Find yourself a less typical car salesman.

One thing i have learned in life. Friends and family should NEVER be involved in any type of buisness transaction. Money is the root of all evil and can break longtime friendships and families apart.


Exactly. Just watch the movie "Fargo".

DC, What di you ever do on that Mounty??? I can tell you by experience that a 2000 Mounty or a 2000 Ex either Eddie Bauer or XLT is a pretty easy find. Low miles are great but a very clean 99 model with just a few more miles would probably be a bunch cheaper. If your "friend?" has that thing for a week or two he will probably be ready to deal more. Does not sound like they are knocking his door down to get at it. When I bough my "old" 97 F-150 this summer it had 80,000 miles. It is a Lariat ex cab I walked out on the deal twice and a week later the dealer called me four times on a Sat. morning. In a little over a week the price went from $13,995 to $10,500 and they had to fix all the little doodads that were wrong and paint the bed. They spent $1,000 on it. I spent $400.00 on a new set of Michelins from Sam's and now have a really sweet old truck. Hang in and you will get your deal. Maybe not this one but one will come along. A vehicle is only worth as much as you feel comfortable paying for it. If you do not like waht you paid you probably paid too much. MY $.02

And another thing!>!>!>!>!>!

Our boy with the '99 XP8 could not raise over $18.9k and it only has 8800 miles.....but some how DC's Mounty is special and worth like $20k

Dead Link Removed

I wanna go kick that dealer guy in the nuts....

Hi Guys,

Haven't bought the Mounty Yet. I see it's still sittin outside. The salesman tried calling me last nite but I have caller ID and was real tired and was putting the girls to bed. Didn't really want to BS with him about it yet. The last I left it with him was...."I only got $16K to spend". I also said if ya get a better offer go for it. I will go $16, 500 I've decided, if it ever comes to that.

I'm hangin in there, I'm getting ready for a transaction tho....whether it's with him or someone else. Just want to get the cash upfront for more leverage. I gotta feeling tho that I will hear from him later this month.

By-the-way. He mentioned a financing deal about not having to make a payment for 90 days....which would allow for me to get my money together. Should a guy try and not finance with a dealer? Is it best to make your own arrangements with your personal bank or credit union? He mentioned that so many times that I can't help to think that he was going to make some bucks off that also. OF course I would read the fine print on rates and such....but whats the opinions on that?

I'll definitely keep ya posted. My wife will be seeing his wife while picking up the kids today(not cause she wants to...she's still ticked about the last time). I'm curious to hear what happens. Almost like a soap opera ain't it!

Thanks again.

DC Larson

ABSOLUTELY they make BOATLOADS of $$$$$$ on financing, that is the ONLY way dealerships survive, nowadays.....they tell you that 8.5% is the best you qualify for, tell you about the 2 dr. bills you didn't pay in 1989 or any other B.S. they can find to talk about on your credit report, and then they SELL the not for 6.5%, thereby making the difference, which can be LOTS of $$$$ on 20-50K car or truck....
Yes, get financing arranged through your credit union or bank, THEN go to dealer....this is, of course, negated when they have 0% or 3.9% or such through the manufacturer, you can't beat that deal (on new, only, of course (most of the time)
James Jensen

ABSOLUTELY they make BOATLOADS of $$$$$$ on financing, that is the ONLY way dealerships survive, nowadays.....they tell you that 8.5% is the best you qualify for, tell you about the 2 dr. bills you didn't pay in 1989 or any other B.S. they can find to talk about on your credit report, and then they SELL the not for 6.5%, thereby making the difference, which can be LOTS of $$$$ on 20-50K car or truck....
Yes, get financing arranged through your credit union or bank, THEN go to dealer....this is, of course, negated when they have 0% or 3.9% or such through the manufacturer, you can't beat that deal (on new, only, of course (most of the time)
James Jensen

Dude, Ford Credit offered me a full 4% higher rate than my credit union on my Explorer. It was less than 2 years old when I bought it. I wasn't worried how much the salesman was going to make on the deal...I was worried how much I was going to lose on the deal. Grandpa always says "a car is the worst investment you can make." Don't worry if the salesman is happy with his share...just make sure you're happy with your half. Don't feel sorry for that guy. Nobody forced him into a job based on commission.


Next time yo talk to the salesman, tell him, "yeah, I was driving by the other day - I was gonna stop, but the line of people trying to buy that great deal for the Mounty was soooooooo long, I had to blow it off...."

Know your rates, and if they give you a decent APR finance thru them, if they try to make up what they lost with the interest rate - tell them to pound sand and walk again. The dealer will get a spiff if they sell you paper (financing) also, it's a good incentive. Too many times they jack up the rates when you are not looking.

I'd Pass on the 90 day financing. Sound like some low ball HFC type deal. Be careful.

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DC Wait it out I looked at a mounty on tuesday 5.0 AWD every option with a power roof MINT MINT MINT with 26,000 every thing works no crack in the windshield no radio problem. They had a sign hanging on the mirror that said was 21,200 mark down to 18,100 and the salesman says to me this is your lucky day I said why's that? he says with a surprized look on his face well thats a great price and I said nope its to high, more then I want to spend and he says what are you looking to spend I told him 15,000 and he says ohhh we cant sell it for that we can go 17,500 and I said well its still more then what I want to spend but that I would get back to him the next day and counter offer he says to me ahh it will probably be gone by then so I said to him thats ok their's a million and one out there like this one and that im in no rush and will not overspend what I can afford and I left. The next day goes by and I'm like should I go back and make another offer because to be honest I really wanted it but I said screw it wait a few days and see if he calls sure enough he calls me today and says that its still avalible and if im still interested I said sure I am and he said what can I do to make a deal today so I told him 15,000 again and of course he says ahhh I cant sell it for that so I said ok this is my final offer 15,500 take or leave it that it was no big deal and again I told him their are a million out their like it and that I was in no rush and that I would just keep looking until I found someone who wanted to sell for what I wanted to pay. So he says to me let me check with my manger again and see what I can do he comes back and tells me the best he can do is 16,000 I told him flat out no still to high and that I have to leave in a few mins. he says to me can you go a little higher I said no again. I tell him talk to your manger one more time and tell him no more than 15,500 he goes and comes back and says we are only 500 apart and that they will split the difference if we can make a deal right now so I laugh and say to him for $250.00 your taking the chances of me walking out the door. I tell him tell your boss 15,600 and we can make the deal now or im outta here. He goes and comes back we shake hands and my wife gets her mounty tomorrow. And ya know they probably still made 2,000 or more on the deal. All im saying here is hold to your guns and haggle and play the game if you cant get them close to your terms then walk away, trust me their are a million and one out there and you will find the right one for what you want to spend. Good Luck!!!!
