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5.0 throwing codes!?


Active Member
March 21, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
garden city, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 ranger
On my 96 2wd 5.0 it always had light on from bad o2 sensor but always ran great. All of a sudden the other day it started to run rough at idle and also sounds like a lttle back fire if I give it a rev. I changed the o2 but its running rough still with a code of 401 and 306. An egr system problem and missfire on cyl 6. Where do I start besides throwing money at it with out knowing the cause. Thanks in advancef

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On my 96 2wd 5.0 it always had light on from bad o2 sensor but always ran great. All of a sudden the other day it started to run rough at idle and also sounds like a lttle back fire if I give it a rev. I changed the o2 but its running rough still with a code of 401 and 306. An egr system problem and missfire on cyl 6. Where do I start besides throwing money at it with out knowing the cause. Thanks in advancef

Start with the two codes. Cylinder #6 misfire could be coil, plug wire or plug; have to do more testing to determine specifics. Same with EGR system - could be the EGR valve, or some other part of the EGR system. Again, more testing/analysis is required. Good luck.

i just did plugs and wires 2 months ago.

Try pulling #6 plug to take a look, see if it is dry or wet with fuel and check to make sure that the wire didn't rub against something and short out.

is it possible for exhaust leak to cause problem? it sounds like my exhaust leak got a lot worse at the same time the other problems occured, i finally got under it and it seems like the exhaust leak is from the top of the front right catalytic converter
