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5 Star Tuning


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October 12, 2008
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Clarksville, TN
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01 Bullitt
Has anyone here ran a tune from 5 star on their Sport? I have read a lot of good things with the F150 and SHO crowds running ecoboost but not much from explorers. Love to get some feedback before I order a tune since I have an X4 already!

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Yes, I have the custom explorer sport tunes from 5 star that were just available a few weeks ago. I have custom tunes for the F150 ecoboost from 5 star that was my first experience with them. The tunes for the F150 solved a lot of issues with the 6 speed transmission.

I have driven the explorer sport with the 91 octane street performance tune and the power and transmission shifting is much improved. I still have stock components and for my preference I don't see a need for any upgrades in components since the custom tune is enough improvement for my needs. I went with 5 star because of my previous experience with them and personal customer service.

5 star can revise the custom tune for any component upgrades if you have them.

Since you have an SCT X4 you just need to buy the tunes from 5 star and it will be much less expensive than buying another tuner.

You just have to drive about 10 engine cycles or 100 miles since the main computer is reset when you install the tune. Its the same with all tuning and even going back to stock or disconnecting the battery. The tune works good after the transmission learning cycle is completed. I even noticed the difference the first time I drove it after installing the tune. It just gets better as it learns your driving habits.

I would recommend 5 star highly!

Binaryman3, thanks for the feedback!! I'm thinking of going that route, 91 and 93 performance tunes. Anyone else out there with experience?

I'm 50-50 on this...

I wanted to get a tune, A friend recommended 5 star.

But I'm afraid if I break it, they will say "No Warranty 4 U!"

I'm 50-50 on this...

I wanted to get a tune, A friend recommended 5 star.

But I'm afraid if I break it, they will say "No Warranty 4 U!"

If you have to go to Ford for Service just reset the tune to Stock. If you have an issue with the tune it will go away when you change back to stock. If not its something else

5 Star does their own tuning with actual vehicles on dyno and on the road. Changing a lot of Stock hardware is usually where you can run into warranty issues. Ford uses different tunes on the Lincoln Ecoboost Models for the same hardware. The main feature with 5 star custom tunes is that they are tuned for the fuel octane you want to use and you have a choice of performance or fuel economy tunes. I have used tunes before on F150's and never had any issues except they ran much better than stock.

If you have to go to Ford for Service just reset the tune to Stock. If you have an issue with the tune it will go away when you change back to stock. If not its something else

5 Star does their own tuning with actual vehicles on dyno and on the road. Changing a lot of Stock hardware is usually where you can run into warranty issues. Ford uses different tunes on the Lincoln Ecoboost Models for the same hardware. The main feature with 5 star custom tunes is that they are tuned for the fuel octane you want to use and you have a choice of performance or fuel economy tunes. I have used tunes before on F150's and never had any issues except they ran much better than stock.

I understand about putting it back to stock.

But my buddy who works at the Ford dealer said Ford now asks for data logs before paying sometimes ( he specifically mentioned ECOBOOST engines)

If its broke good, it will be hard to log some miles after putting back to stock...

I still want to do it, but weighing the options.

the tune worked wonders for my 05 Mustang GT.

Cmon guys,,, I'm going to need to be talked into pulling the trigger on a tune...

Cmon guys,,, I'm going to need to be talked into pulling the trigger on a tune...

You need to decide if the advantages of the tune are worth the risk of a possible warranty void. I recommend 5 star since the owner Mike does all of his own tuning with Dyno and road testing. He does a tune with stock components and has a calibration form you fill out with specifics if you change anything.

My personal opinion is leaving everything stock and using a tune is the least risk of a warranty issue since you are just tweaking the stock tune to run better on a specific gasoline octane for either performance or fuel economy. If something fails most likely it would of failed anyway on the stock tune. I know Ford can push back on the aftermarket on warranty issues if you do major component modifications they have a valid justification to void a warranty. Even Livernois has the same issues and they do a lot of component modifications for their tune. They say they have a good relationship with Ford but I bet they don't have a written guarantee that A factory warranty will be honored with their modifications and tune unless they start giving warranties with their tunes and mods. I have seen this with component mods to F150's from aftermarket vendors selling warranties with their mods.

My opinions with the available tunes are:

Livernois: Too many mods and money spent to get the best tune performance.

Unleashed: Have bought their tune before for a F150 and it was good improvement. Don't understand why on the explorer you have to data log the tune after install and then send file back for revisions. Other tunes are ready to go when received even with mods that you state are already installed.

5 Star: Tunes ready to go with mods you state are installed on calibration form before it ships or after ship or tunes only order by email. If you have SCT tuner you just buy tunes and load them.

The 5 star 91 octane performance tune works great for me with stock components and is a big improvement in transmission shifting and power. SO far mileage is the same as stock. I am running at altitudes of 5000-6000 feet above sea level and some mountain driving above that elevation range. Never has run out of power going up steep grades. My MPG so Far is 16-24 MPG and averages around 18 MPG.

Just ordered and downloaded 5 stars 91 and 93 performance tunes. I've read nothing but great things about them, so I'll throw my feedback up here after driving on it for a few days!

Well, I have been running 5 Stars 93 tune for almost 5 days now and love it, this things a beast! I got 2 tunes for 110 bucks based on my mods and got it fast! So far I'm also averaging 20.2 MPG with in town driving and Highway mix, were as stock I was getting about 18.8. I haven't dealt with any of the other tuners so I can't compare them unfortunately.

Are you running a tune only or do you have other mods too?

I am running the 5 star 91 octane performance tune with stock components. I have much improved shifting which gives the sport much better acceleration that makes it feel more powerful. The improved shifting alone to me is more preferred over an increase in power and with no changes in stock components I get more performance without spending a lot of cash.
