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6inch rough country lift


Well-Known Member
December 8, 2007
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snohomish, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XLT
hey i got a question for yall,

im wondering if i can run my 6inch rough country lift, with 8inch super lift radius arms.

they have hiem joints on them and are great, alot better then the drop brackets my kit came with.

so im wondering if those radius arms will work along with the rest of my 6inch kit?

thanks in advance.

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I don't think superlift makes 8" Lift radius arms for the explorer. Are you sure they are for the TTB and not like a bronco or something? I'm pretty positive extended radius arms are made for 4-6" Lifts. If you're gonna buy new radius arms why not get the right ones.

they are 8 inch, they are for a ttb, they were on a ranger, and because these are $50.

thanks bro.

If you are looking at the ones on craigslist for $60 bucks those are for full size bronco & f150 you can tell by the way it clamps around the axel housing.

they are hiem joints.

how would they not fit?

one end is hiem joints the other end clamps around the axel tubes unless your puting a straight axel from a f150 or full size bronco under yours thay wont fit.

I'm pretty sure all of the TTB extended arms are all the same length.
The Skyjackers are slightly longer than the Superlift arms.

It also depends on the caster that is built into the radius arms. The 4" and 6" lift extended radius arms have less caster than the 8" arms.

The Skyjackers are slightly longer than the Superlift arms.
Thanks for correcting me. :thumbsup:

I guess it doesn't matter though if these are for a full size. :)

JPistheman said:
they are 8 inch, they are for a ttb, they were on a ranger, and because these are $50.
So the dude on CL was lying or what?

They could have been on a SAS Ranger, but not a STOCK ranger.

You guys need to read the title again. The title says "Ranger Explorer F-150". In the '70s, the F-150's had the Ranger and Explorer as sub models. The '70s F-150's had the solid axle under them.

You guys need to read the title again.
This is what I've been going off of. There was no link to the ad until 91exploreron37, so there was no title... thanks for the chance.

hey i got a question for yall,

im wondering if i can run my 6inch rough country lift, with 8inch super lift radius arms.

they have hiem joints on them and are great, alot better then the drop brackets my kit came with.

so im wondering if those radius arms will work along with the rest of my 6inch kit?

thanks in advance.

they are 8 inch, they are for a ttb, they were on a ranger, and because these are $50.

Yea it took me forever to find it, I finally typed radius arms in the search and it popped up.

yeah, i talked to him.

thanks for all the response.

he at first told me that they would fit a d35 and that he had them on his ranger,

later to find out that he has a d44 under his ranger.
