91 starter / solenoid problems... flywheel grinding!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 starter / solenoid problems... flywheel grinding!!


New Member
January 7, 2004
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City, State
Piqua, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 XL
this morning i was unable to start my explorer after the major cold last night.. i eventually was able to start it by placing a screwdriver across the posts on my solenoid. i then drove it to auto zone and purchased a new solenoid, started it back up without the screwdriver fine, got home and replaced it. wasn't sure about the 2 wires that weren't connected together and which posts they went on, but one way i get no power to the starter at all, and the other (the right way i believe), it starts fine, plenty of power, but makes the flywheel grind as if i were holding the key in the ON position of the ignition.

btw, the starter and battery are less than a year old but the solenoid was the original.. and i tried putting the old solenoid that was working this morning, and it also makes the grind happen.

please help!

thanks in advance,

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if the starter was a refurbished one it from the auto parts store it may have gone bad.. I had this problem. Try having someone turn the key while you lightly tap the starter with a hammer. If it doesnt make the grinding sound and starts when you tap it, its most likely the starter.

i said it wasn't the starter.. i said it starts up but the flywheel grinded.. so...

anyway.. it was my wiring on the solenoid.. the wire going down to the starter has to be on a post alone.. the other 2 wires connect to the post with the battery power.

Flywheel Grinding

I'm having the same problem. My problem started with a bad starter cable, so I went to Auto Zone and brought a new starter cable. This is the cable that goes from the battery to the starter and starter relay. The one thing different that I notice about the cable I bought and the original one on the truck was the original cable on the relay had a large "U" shaped connector which connected both sides of the relay. This mad it hard to determine which wire went where. After replacing the cable I next found the starter had gone bad. So, I replaced the starter thinking I had solved the problem, well guess what, when I engage the starter the engine starts, but the starter grinds on the FLYWHEEL. It acts as if the starter remains engages after you release the ignition switch. I don't know if I have crossed up the wire at the relay or the starter bindix are binding against the flywheel. I have a manual 5-speed transmission and was told to make sure that I replace the start with one for a manual transmission, because a starter for an automatic transmission will not work properly. Please advice, I'm at my wits end...

sounds like exactly the problem i originally posted about 4 years ago. as i said, the problem, for me, turned out to be not having the wiring hooked up correctly. what worked for me was having a single red wire (running to the starter) on the right side post of the solenoid, and the other red wire and both black wires on the left post of the solenoid. then there was the red L-shaped connector which obviously clipped onto the small post.

good luck!

I'm having the same issue. I just replaced the silonoid, & starter flywheel is still grinding. Feels like a little lip on the teeth of the wheel. I got a reman starter from auto zone. I'm at wits end. I might just get a new car.

did the starter come with shims??cause sometimes they need shims to give them the extra space to they dont grind

I put a shim in it 1 I have a second one. Do they sometimes take two?

did the starter come with shims??cause sometimes they need shims to give them the extra space to they dont grind

mine took 2 when i did my old one,so far my starter is all good on my current explorer

starter grinding

Had the same grinding noise when i put on my new reman- starter...and the second starter...
Put a couple washers between the starter and housing to see if the noise would stop and it did... bought the ford shim and now it's fine...
