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AWD on the beach

Good to know. I've always heard about airing down.. never really thought about it too much... I'd be a little worried about airing down without a rim that has a beadlock.. after seeing a certain pre runner style explorer get owned in the sand. (The pic is somewhere on this site... nothing bad.. tire just came off the rim)

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Then they went to low, have been airing down tires for 30 years never had one come off the rim yet. those little air pumps slow as hell but they do work. 12 volt lighter plug job

if you cant wait for the tires to fill buy a portable air tank and fill it at a gas station, bring along a portable 12v pump also and a tire pressure gauge. If you do break the bead for some reason I would bring along a tire valve stem core remover and fill the tire with the air tank at full pressure without valve core to reseat the bead. Um the other way involves lighter fluid :).

I grew up driving on the sand in North Carolina. Most important tire pressure around 20-psi usually works for most stock vehicles. Use low range. Stay above the high tide mark in the sand. Carry recovery equipment (20,000 lb strap, a real shovel, jack an 12x12-inch plywood, tow hooks, ect.). On board air is really nice to have, even if it is a cheap pump. You do not need to use your brakes in dry or deep sand. Use the throtle only enough to get the vehicle moving. If you start to spin, throttle will only burry you deeper. Some parking brake can make both rear tires spin. Momentuem and running the engine in its powerband realy help. Dry sand is always deeper than wet sand.

The best advice I can give you is find a friend with sand driving experience "80% driver, 20% vehicle". Always keep some cash in your pocket when on the beach. Have a contengency, a phone # for a tow company that does beach recovery.

One last thing do not have any open alchol containers while driving on the beach, Rangers look for that and generally have 0 tolerance.

good advice about the e brake, I have seen some guys make that work real well in the rocks too

EPIC story, 410. Wish I had heard that before last July.


  • stuck in YL.jpg
    stuck in YL.jpg
    73.3 KB · Views: 1,050

Gez... wtf are you stuck in?.. That 'looks' perfectly fine to drive in.. (well... 'looked')

Gez... wtf are you stuck in?.. That 'looks' perfectly fine to drive in.. (well... 'looked')

lol Exactly what I thought before plowing into it. It wasn't regular mud though, I don't know what was in it but that ditch was on a construction site near a brand new tract of homes in Yorba Linda.

Haha thanks. I had a lotta time to kill while I waited for my buddy to come tow me out.
