A manual transmission behind a 5.0L? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A manual transmission behind a 5.0L?


Manual Master
December 11, 2003
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Maryland, USA
City, State
Eldersburg, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Ford Explorer XLS
I would some day in the perfect universe put a 5.0L in my X with a manual transmission behind it. Of course you couldn't get manual trans. in Explorers with a 5.0L. They did put manual transmissions behind 5.0L in Mustangs though. A manual from a 5.0 Mustang should bolt up behind a Explorer 5.0 right? I mean they're the same basic engine?

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It will fit, but the PCM will not be happy about it.
I'm no expert on this by any means, but to change the trans, while bolting it in is easy, will open a can of worms I'm sure.

jtsmith said:
It will fit, but the PCM will not be happy about it.
I'm no expert on this by any means, but to change the trans, while bolting it in is easy, will open a can of worms I'm sure.

I don't know anything about the programming in the PCMs. But could someone who reprograms them like Bamachips easily just remove the programming that has to do with the automatic transmissions?

It can be done, the T-5 will bolt right up but then you have to figure out how to get the tail shaft modded to bolt to your transfer case (only if your 4x4...) Bad thing is, the T5 stang trans is weak as hell and won't hold up in a 3000lb mustang so just imagine what your 4000+lb Ex is gonna do ;)

Now on the other hand, the Full size broncos and F150's could be had with 5 speeds so they should bolt up just as easily and be much stronger. I would think there has to be work-arounds with the computer. You would need more than a chip though... it would require a total reflash of the EEC or a binary from another 5 speed ford truck with a V8...

or ditch the stock computer and Gem in your Gen II and put a distributor in your GT-40 5.0L

Not fun.

Nice , I don t have to start another thread !

I have 3-4 T5 tranny in my garage , and i could put a T5Z quit in a stock T5 to upgrade the hp rating (450hp) . On some rebuilt manual i saw that i can change the tail housing to hook up a transfert case but i did nt find any part number . Do you guys know wich kind of tcase i can put behind a T5 ??

Wich year F150 had a 5 speed manual transmission 4X4 ?? maybe i could put my AWD Tcase behind ??

Ecm problem is not a trick for me , i have all the mustang stuff i need to convert the DIS into distributor system from a 94-95 mustang .


A T5 willnot hold up to the weight of the X. You will need a T45 I think is the number and just run the engine control off of a 5.0 stang with the 5 speed. The only way I know anything about this is that some guys have dropped the E4OD for a 5speed in the Gen 1 Lightnings. And thats the trans thay use.....

Another option which would be plenty beefy would be a T56 which is actually a 6 speed transmission which I would rather have than a 5 speed.

dont even bother driving hard with a T5, kaboom :D, the 94/95 5.0 versions might hold up somewhat

Tremec... Tremec... Tremec... ;)

It can be done, the T-5 will bolt right up but then you have to figure out how to get the tail shaft modded to bolt to your transfer case (only if your 4x4...)

For this part ya should look up Chief34's thread on his 5.0/5 speed conversion in his 1st gen.:cool:

To make a T5 stronger as a tko i can do it by myself with a A-5 trans kit , and will cost 1000$ less than a tko conversion . A tremec is a transmission builder not a model .

A T5Z can hold the 450hp i had in my mustang with 5500rpm drag lunch with no problem so i tought it can handle the power and torque of the X . If not i just have to put stronger gear , who is actually cheaper to do than buy a T56 or a Tko .

I gonna do a search for this guy cheifs to see what kind of tranny he put behind a fiveO .

Im still looking for a tailhousing to accept a Tcase on a T5 .

What did 5.0 F-150 manuals come with? Seems like that would be the best option to me as it should bolt right up and it should accept a transfer case. All on paper anyway.

The cross member may have to be moved or modified for such a swap as well depending on where the tail stock ends up.

The gas tank may also have to be moved, again depending on where the tail stock ends up and what TC is used. It may bolt right up with plenty of clearance, then again, it may not.

LeKid302, you will need to think about a speed sensor too since yours is in your stock transfer case.

Just some food for thought.

One more thing, your going to lose your rear air too unless you find some where else to run the duct work coming from the das or add a ceramic heater to the bottom side of the console.

I wouldn't fool with doing a T5, all the mods, etc., to an Explorer.

I would find a smashed F150 4x4 and swap the t-case and 5-speed trans.

And for auto to 5 speed swaps parts you'll need to find a 5 speed ranger to get the pedal assy, etc., out of.

PCM can be reprogrammed with something like SCT XcalII.

My GT was a 4r70w and I swapped it to a 5speed and the sct program made it run like stock. A note, if you want to stay street legal on OBD2, you will have to get a tune to shut off all the trans codes it will throw.

Been there and done that. Failed me because my OD light was flashing, and had a bunch of trans codes that have nothing to do with emiss, but they still failed me. After the tune I passed no problems.

Good luck! :D

Some of the f-150's and bronco's (fullsize) also had electric t-case so if you were to want to stick with an electric t-case you could be set in that sense.

watch out for the f150 5 speed it is a mazda and it is not much better than the mazda trannies in the rangers

F150s have a Supercoupe style mazda trans, its about 30% larger than a T-5, I think the shifter positions vary from truck to car. Cars have fiber lined blocker rings and shift a little smoother also. They are strong but can blow an output shaft in the 2WD versions if doing something very stupid.

I used a zf-5. I have a build thread going

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