Airbox mod with cold air intake for 4.0L V6 | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Airbox mod with cold air intake for 4.0L V6

I'm thinking keep my airbox...for now. I'm not sure I want to be messing with the MAF just yet. I may eventually swap out my airbox, but the airbox, like you said caldwell, is a heat shield. I'm hoping that spectre or k&n will create an intake specifially for our explorers.
So far I like the intake I have. But DO NOT get the 4"-3" adapter, it does not work. Ford made the MAF housing an odd size so there is very little chance anyone will do anything to the intake.

--I was quoted $159.00 (labor included) for a flowmaster 50 series. The mechanic said that there's no point in doing anything else but the muffler, because the flowmaster muffler will give it the sound and flow adequate for an explorer.--

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Did u ask for just the muffler, and muffler install ? I would go back and ask how much he will charge for a 2.5" exhaust... If you notice on the pics I have posted of my stock exhaust, there a larger reduction in the pipe before the factory muffler, have that reduction eliminated and your exhaust will flow so much better, if you get the 2.5" exhaust
Posted via Mobile Device

This would be great if Spectre can get us a list of everything we need to build an intake. I am patiently waiting!!

Did u ask for just the muffler, and muffler install ? I would go back and ask how much he will charge for a 2.5" exhaust... If you notice on the pics I have posted of my stock exhaust, there a larger reduction in the pipe before the factory muffler, have that reduction eliminated and your exhaust will flow so much better, if you get the 2.5" exhaust

Well, I walked in there and asked for a quote on an exhaust. He took a look at my X, and said just putting the muffler on will be good. Said it will give me the sound, and better flow. The mechanic I talked to, I think, is one of the owners of the shop. I will go to the gas mileage thread and look at the pictures.

Cald.... not seeing what you mean.
Just so you know, i ran my exhaust under the rear axle. for my 05 there is no resonator before the factory muffler, but a major clamp in the exhaust. I deleted the clamp in the exhaust, and ran 2.5'' off the Y-PIPE to the MUFFLER, and 2.5'' under the axle, then exit @ a 45 degree angle...

here is pics of my exhaust through the stages... STOCK to CURRENT...

***** alot of pics so be warned... *****







Hmm...I guess I will head back down to the exhaust shop and talk to them...For another quote. Thing is, I don't really want to bust the bank with an exhaust install. Those 50-series are around $100 so the mechanic saying $60 for labor (good price). I would think with the 2.5" piping it'd only be around $200-$230.
Did the seafoam treatment:
Seafoam: $9.99
Gas Wasted: $5.00
Times trying to start car: 3-4
Having the old neighbors yelling at you: priceless

Neighbors got mad at me for doing the seafoam treatment, but my explorer has got a kick now. :D


If you look at the stock exhaust, before the muffler. you can see the connecting exhaust clamps correct ?. likr an inch before those exhaust clamp, the exhaust pipe reduces from 2.5'' to 2.25'', and is a major power robber...

if you run 2.5'' pipe and eliminate that reduction... you think your X may have balls now. i promise you will smile so big, when you romp the pedal the first time, and feel how much harder, and longer your X will pull thru the Rev Range...


I will look at my X for a referance. I still need to get back to the shop, just I couldn't make it back to there in time this afternoon.
I don't think my X is really too powerful. It has got a kick but nothing like one with an exhaust and intake would have. I hope to get an exhaust on soon. But it may not happen until next year :( (hope not). Getting the exhaust may depend on how much it costs with the 2.5" pipe. And the issue is, the shop may not go up to where it goes from a 2.5 to a 2.25".
